Asset Administration Shell Interfaces General The Asset Administration Shell and Submodel interface make it possible to access the elements of Asset Administration Shells or Submodels. The AASX File Server Interface enables management of AASX packages on a server. A list of available packages can be retrieved. Each package in the list can be downloaded, uploaded, or deleted. New packages can also be added. AASX packages are stored and managed independently of instantiated Asset Administration Shells or submodels on a server. The server documentation shall contain a description of when and how AASX packages are handled, e.g. if Asset Administration Shells or Submodels in AASX packages are instantiated at startup of the server and/or if they are also instantiated when an AASX package is changed by an API operation. Asset Administration Shell Interface and Operations Asset Administration Shell Interface The Asset Administration Shell interface enables the access of the elements of a single Asset Administration Shell. Interface: Asset Administration Shell Operation Name Description GetAssetAdministrationShell Returns the Asset Administration Shell PutAssetAdministrationShell Replaces the current Asset Administration Shell GetAllSubmodelReferences Returns all Submodel References PostSubmodelReference Creates a Submodel Reference at the Asset Administration Shell DeleteSubmodelReference Deletes a specific Submodel Reference from the Asset Administration Shell GetAssetInformation Returns the Asset Information PutAssetInformation Replaces the Asset Information GetThumbnail Returns the thumbnail file PutThumbnail Replaces the thumbnail file DeleteThumbnail Deletes the thumbnail Operation GetAssetAdministrationShell Operation Name GetAssetAdministrationShell Explanation Returns the Asset Administration Shell semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter serializationModifier Defines the format of the response no SerializationModifier 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Requested Asset Administration Shell yes AssetAdministrationShell 1 Operation PutAssetAdministrationShell Operation Name PutAssetAdministrationShell hh Explanation Replaces the Asset Administration Shell semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter aas AssetAdministrationShell yes AssetAdministrationShell object 1 Output Parameter statusCode StatusCode yes StatusCode 1 payload AssetAdministrationShell no Replaced AssetAdministrationShell 1 Operation GetAllSubmodelReferences Operation Name GetAllSubmodelReferences Explanation Returns all Submodel References semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter limit The maximum size of the result set no nonNegativeInteger 1 cursor The position from which to resume a result listing no string 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Requested Submodel References yes Reference 0..* Operation PostSubmodelReference Operation Name PostSubmodelReference Explanation Creates a Submodel Reference at the Asset Administration Shell semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter submodelRef Reference to the Submodel yes Reference 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Created Submodel Reference yes Reference 1 Operation DeleteSubmodelReference Operation Name DeleteSubmodelReference Explanation Deletes the Submodel Reference from the Asset Administration Shell semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter submodelId The unique ID of the Submodel for the reference to be deleted yes Identifier 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 Operation GetAssetInformation Operation Name GetAssetInformation Explanation Returns the Asset Information semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Requested Asset Information yes AssetInformation 1 Operation PutAssetInformation Operation Name PutAssetInformation Explanation Replaces the Asset Information semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter assetInfo Asset Information object yes AssetInformation 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 Operation GetThumbnail Operation Name GetThumbnail Explanation Returns the thumbnail file semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Requested thumbnail file yes File Content 1 Operation PutThumbnail Operation Name PutThumbnail Explanation Replaces the thumbnail file semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter file Thumbnail file yes File Content 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 Operation DeleteThumbnail Operation Name DeleteThumbnail Explanation Deletes the thumbnail file semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 Submodel Interface and Operations Submodel Interface Interface: Submodel Operation Name Description GetSubmodel Returns the Submodel GetAllSubmodelElements Returns all submodel elements including their hierarchy GetSubmodelElementByPath Returns a specific submodel element from the Submodel at a specified path GetFileByPath Returns a specific file from the Submodel at a specified path PutFileByPath Replaces the file of an existing submodel element at a specified path within the submodel element hierarchy DeleteFileByPath Deletes the file of an existing submodel element at a specified path within the submodel element hierarchy PutSubmodel Replaces the Submodel PatchSubmodel Updates the Submodel PostSubmodelElement Creates a new submodel element as a child of the submodel. The idShort of the new submodel element must be set in the payload. PostSubmodelElementByPath Creates a new submodel element at a specified path within the submodel elements hierarchy. The idShort of the new submodel element must be set in the payload. PutSubmodelElementByPath Replaces an existing submodel element at a specified path within the submodel element hierarchy PatchSubmodelElementByPath Updates an existing submodel element at a specified path within the submodel element hierarchy GetSubmodelElementValueByPath Returns the value of the submodel element at a specified path according to the protocol-specific RAW-value payload DeleteSubmodelElementByPath Deletes a submodel element at a specified path within submodel element hierarchy InvokeOperationSync Synchronously invokes an Operation at a specified path with a client timeout in ms InvokeOperationAsync Asynchronously invokes an Operation at a specified path with a client timeout in ms GetOperationAsyncStatus Returns the current status of an asynchronously invoked operation GetOperationAsyncResult Returns the OperationResult of an asynchronously invoked operation Operation GetSubmodel Operation Name GetSubmodel Explanation Returns the Submodel semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter serializationModifier Defines the format of the response no SerializationModifier 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Requested Submodel yes Submodel 1 Operation GetAllSubmodelElements Operation Name GetAllSubmodelElements Explanation Returns all submodel elements including their hierarchy semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter serializationModifier Defines the format of the response no SerializationModifier 1 limit The maximum size of the result set no nonNegativeInteger 1 cursor The position from which to resume a result listing no string 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Requested submodel elements yes SubmodelElement 0..* Operation GetSubmodelElementByPath Operation Name GetSubmodelElementByPath Explanation Returns a specific submodel element from the Submodel at a specified path semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter path idShortPath via relative Reference/Keys to a submodel element yes Key 1..* serializationModifier Defines the format of the response no SerializationModifier 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Requested submodel element yes SubmodelElement 0..1 Operation GetFileByPath Operation Name GetFileByPath Explanation Returns a specific file from the Submodel at a specified path semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter path idShortPath via relative Reference/Keys to a submodel element yes Key 1..* Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Requested file yes File Content 0..1 Operation PutFileByPath Operation Name PutFileByPath Explanation Replaces the file of an existing submodel element at a specified path within the submodel element hierarchy semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter path idShortPath via relative Reference/Keys to a submodel element yes Key 1..* payload Replacing file yes File Content 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 Operation DeleteFileByPath Operation Name DeleteFileByPath Explanation Deletes the file of an existing submodel element at a specified path within the submodel element hierarchy semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter path idShortPath via relative Reference/Keys to a submodel element yes Key 1..* Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 Operation PutSubmodel Operation Name PutSubmodel Explanation Replaces the Submodel semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter submodel Submodel object yes Submodel 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Replaced submodel yes Submodel 1 Operation PatchSubmodel Operation Name PatchSubmodel Explanation Updates the Submodel semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter serializationModifier Defines the format of the input Note: values remain unchanged with content=metadata. no SerializationModifier 1 submodel Submodel object yes Submodel 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Updated submodel no Submodel 1 Operation PostSubmodelElement Operation Name PostSubmodelElement Explanation Creates a new submodel element as a child of the submodel. The idShort of the new submodel element must be set in the payload. Note: the creation of the idShort is out of scope and must be handled in a proprietary way. semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter submodelElement Submodel element object yes SubmodelElement Output Parameter StatusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Created submodel element yes SubmodelElement 1 Operation PostSubmodelElementByPath Operation Name PostSubmodelElementByPath Explanation Creates a new submodel element at a specified path within the submodel element hierarchy. The idShort of the new submodel element must be set in the payload. Note: the creation of the idShort is out of scope and must be handled in a proprietary way. semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter path idShortPath via relative Reference/Keys to a submodel element under which the new SubmodelElement shall be added yes Key 1..* submodelElement Submodel element object yes SubmodelElement 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Created submodel element yes SubmodelElement 1 Note: if the PostSubmodelElementByPath is executed towards a SubmodelElementList, the new SubmodelElement is added to the end of the list. Operation PutSubmodelElementByPath Operation Name PutSubmodelElementByPath Explanation Replaces an existing submodel element at a specified path within the submodel element hierarchy semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter path idShortPath via relative Reference/Keys to a submodel element which shall be replaced yes Key 1..* submodelElement Submodel element object yes SubmodelElement 1 Output Parameter StatusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Replaced submodel element no SubmodelElement 1 Operation PatchSubmodelElementByPath Operation Name PatchSubmodelElementByPath Explanation Updates an existing submodel element at a specified path within the submodel element hierarchy semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter serializationModifier Defines the format of the input Note: values remain unchanged with content=metadata. no SerializationModifier 1 path idShortPath via relative Reference/Keys to a submodel element yes Key 1..* submodelElement Submodel element object yes SubmodelElement 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Updated submodel element no SubmodelElement 1 Operation GetSubmodelElementValueByPath Operation Name GetSubmodelElementValueByPath Explanation Returns a specific submodel element value from the Submodel at a specified path according to the ValueOnly-serialization as defined in [1] semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter path idShortPath via relative Reference/Keys to a submodel element yes Key 1..* Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Requested submodel element value yes SubmodelElement 1 Operation PatchSubmodelElementValueByPath Operation Name PatchSubmodelElementValueByPath Explanation Sets the value of the submodel element at a specified path according to the ValueOnly-serialization as defined in [1] semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter path idShortPath via relative Reference/Keys to a submodel element yes Key 1..* payload The new value of the submodel element yes SubmodelElement 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 Operation DeleteSubmodelElementByPath Operation Name DeleteSubmodelElementByPath Explanation Deletes a submodel element at a specified path within the submodel elements hierarchy semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter path idShortPath via relative Reference/Keys to a submodel element yes Key 1..* Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 Operation InvokeOperationSync Operation Name InvokeOperationSync Explanation Synchronously invokes an Operation at a specified path semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter path idShortPath via relative Reference/Keys to a submodel element, in this case an operation yes Key 1..* inputArgument Input argument no OperationVariable 1..* inoutputArgument Inoutput argument no OperationVariable 1..* Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload The Operation Result yes OperationResult 1 Operation InvokeOperationAsync Operation Name InvokeOperationAsync Explanation Asynchronously invokes an Operation at a specified path semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter path idShortPath via relative Reference/Keys to a submodel element, in this case an operation yes Key 1..* inputArgument Input argument no OperationVariable 1..* inoutputArgument Inoutput argument no OperationVariable 1..* clientTimeoutDuration Duration indicating when the client suggests the server to have finished execution of the invoked operation. The server may take this value into account to decide on its effective timeout, however, the server may or may not use by its own discretion. yes duration 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload The returned handle of an operation’s asynchronous invocation used to request the current state of the operation’s execution yes OperationHandle 1 Operation GetOperationAsyncStatus Operation Name GetOperationAsyncStatus Explanation Returns the current status of an asynchronously invoked operation semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter operationHandle The returned handle of an operation’s asynchronous invocation used to request the current state of the operation’s execution yes OperationHandle 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Execution state of the operation yes BaseOperationResult 1 Operation GetOperationAsyncResult Operation Name GetOperationAsyncResult Explanation Returns the OperationResult of an asynchronously invoked operation semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter operationHandle The returned handle of an operation’s asynchronous invocation used to request the current state of the operation’s execution yes OperationHandle 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Operation Result yes OperationResult 1 Serialization Interface and Operations Serialization Interface Interface: Serialization Operation Name Description GenerateSerializationByIds Returns an appropriate serialization based on the specified format (see SerializationFormat). Operation GenerateSerializationByIds Operation Name GenerateSerializationByIds Explanation Returns an appropriate serialization based on the specified format (see SerializationFormat). semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter aasIds The unique ids of the Asset Administration Shells to be contained in the serialization no Identifier 1..* submodelIds The unique ids of the Submodels to be contained in the serialization no Identifier 1..* includeConceptDescriptions Include concept descriptions no boolean 1 serializationFormat Denotes in which serialization format the requested content shall be delivered no SerializationFormat 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Serialization of the requested Asset Administration Shells and/or Submodels with or without ConceptDescriptions in specified SerializationFormat. yes Environment 1 Enumeration: SerializationFormat Explanation: Determines the format of serialization, i.e. JSON, XML, RDF, AML, etc.RFC 6838, IANA Media Types, and defined custom content types; additional elements may be added in future versions Set of: — Literal Explanation application/json JSON serialization of the requested data object inside an AAS Environment structure application/xml XML serialization of the requested data object inside an AAS Environment structure (default) application/aasx+xml AASX-Package (binary data) containing the requested data object AASX File Server Interface and Operations AASX File Server Interface Interface: AASX File Server Operation Name Description GetAllAASXPackageIds Returns a list of available AASX packages at the server GetAASXByPackageId Returns a specific AASX package from the server PostAASXPackage Creates an AASX package at the server PutAASXByPackageId Replaces the AASX package at the server DeleteAASXByPackageId Deletes a specific AASX package Operation GetAllAASXPackageIds Operation Name GetAllAASXPackageIds Explanation Returns a list of available AASX packages at the server semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter aasId Identifier of the AAS which must exist in each matching AASX package no Identifier 1 limit The maximum size of the result set no nonNegativeInteger 1 cursor The position from which to resume a result listing no string 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Matching package list; the PackageDescription includes all Asset Administration Shell identifiers, also those which may have not been requested through the aasId input parameter yes PackageDescription 0..* Operation GetAASXByPackageId Operation Name GetAASXByPackageId Explanation Returns a specific AASX package from the server semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter packageId Requested package ID from the package list yes string 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 filename Filename of the AASX package yes string 1 payload Requested AASX package yes AASX package 1 Operation PostAASXPackage Operation Name PostAASXPackage Explanation Creates an AASX package at the server semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter aasIds Included AAS Ids Note: it is not mandatory for servers to read and parse AASX packages. Servers may simply store the AASX files with their related given aasIds. no Identifier 0..* file New AASX package yes AASX package 1 filename Filename of the AASX package yes string 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 packageId New Package ID yes string 1 Operation PutAASXByPackageId Operation Name PutAASXByPackageId Explanation Replaces the AASX package at the server semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter packageId Package ID from the package list yes string 1 aasIds Included AAS Ids Note: it is not mandatory for servers to read and parse AASX packages. Servers may simply store the AASX files with their related given aasIds. no Identifier 0..* file New AASX package yes AASX package 1 filename Filename of the AASX package yes string 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 Operation DeleteAASXByPackageId Operation Name DeleteAASXByPackageId Explanation Deletes a specific AASX package from the server semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter packageId Package ID from the package list yes string 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 Registration Interfaces General Registration interfaces allow to register and unregister descriptors of administration shells or submodels. The descriptors contain the information needed to access the interfaces (as described in Asset Administration Shell Interfaces) of the corresponding element. This required information includes the endpoint in the dedicated environment. Lookup interfaces provide access to the registered descriptors by identifiers (Asset Administration Shell and Submodel ID). These identifiers may be discovered through the interfaces described in Publish and Discovery Interfaces. Asset Administration Shell Registry Interface and Operations Asset Administration Shell Registry Interface Interface: Asset Administration Shell Registry Operation Name Description GetAllAssetAdministrationShellDescriptors Returns all Asset Administration Shell Descriptors GetAssetAdministrationShellDescriptorById Returns a specific Asset Administration Shell Descriptor PostAssetAdministrationShellDescriptor Creates a new Asset Administration Shell Descriptor, i.e., registers an AAS CreateBulkAssetAdministrationShellDescriptors Creates multiple new Asset Administration Shell Descriptors, i.e., registers multiple Asset Administration Shells PutAssetAdministrationShellDescriptorById Replaces an existing Asset Administration Shell Descriptor, i.e., replaces registration information PutBulkAssetAdministrationShellDescriptorsById Updates multiple existing Asset Administration Shell Descriptors DeleteAssetAdministrationShellDescriptorById Deletes an Asset Administration Shell Descriptor, i.e., de-registers an AAS DeleteBulkAssetAdministrationShellDescriptorsById Deletes multiple Asset Administration Shell Descriptors, i.e., de-registers multiple Asset Administration Shells QueryAssetAdministrationShellDescriptors Returns all Asset Administration Shell Descriptors that conform to a certain input query. Operation GetAllAssetAdministrationShellDescriptors Operation Name GetAllAssetAdministrationShellDescriptors Explanation Returns all Asset Administration Shell Descriptors semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter limit The maximum size of the result set no nonNegativeInteger 1 cursor The position from which to resume a result listing no string 1 assetKind The kind of the assets to retrieve (Type, Instance etc.) no AssetKind 1 assetType The type of the assets to retrieve, encoded as unique ID no Identifier 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload List of Asset Administration Shell Descriptors no AssetAdministrationShellDescriptor 1..* Operation GetAssetAdministrationShellDescriptorById Operation Name GetAssetAdministrationShellDescriptorById Explanation Returns a specific Asset Administration Shell Descriptor semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter aasIdentifier The Asset Administration Shell’s unique ID yes Identifier 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Requested Asset Administration Shell Descriptor yes AssetAdministrationShellDescriptor 1 Operation PostAssetAdministrationShellDescriptor Operation Name PostAssetAdministrationShellDescriptor Explanation Creates a new Asset Administration Shell Descriptor, i.e., registers an AAS semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter shellDescriptor Object containing the Asset Administration Shell’s identification and endpoint information yes AssetAdministrationShellDescriptor 1 Output Parameter StatusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Created Asset Administration Shell Descriptor yes AssetAdministrationShellDescriptor 1 Operation CreateBulkAssetAdministrationShellDescriptors Operation Name CreateBulkAssetAdministrationShellDescriptors Explanation Creates multiple new Asset Administration Shell Descriptors, i.e., registers multiple Asset Administration Shells semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter shellDescriptors List of Asset Administration Shell Descriptor objects yes AssetAdministrationShellDescriptor 1..* Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 Operation PutAssetAdministrationShellDescriptorById Operation Name PutAssetAdministrationShellDescriptorById Explanation Replaces an existing Asset Administration Shell Descriptor, i.e., replaces registration information semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter shellDescriptor Object containing the Asset Administration Shell’s identification and endpoint information containing the Asset Administration Shell’s identification and endpoint information yes AssetAdministrationShellDescriptor 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Replaced Asset Administration Shell Descriptor yes AssetAdministrationShellDescriptor 1 Operation PutBulkAssetAdministrationShellDescriptorsById Operation Name PutBulkAssetAdministrationShellDescriptorsById Explanation Updates multiple existing Asset Administration Shell Descriptors semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter shellDescriptors List of Asset Administration Shell Descriptor objects yes AssetAdministrationShellDescriptor 1..* Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 Operation DeleteAssetAdministrationShellDescriptorById Operation Name DeleteAssetAdministrationShellDescriptorById Explanation Deletes an Asset Administration Shell Descriptor, i.e., de-registers an AAS semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter aasIdentifier The Asset Administration Shell’s unique ID yes Identifier 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 Operation DeleteBulkAssetAdministrationShellDescriptorsById Operation Name DeleteBulkAssetAdministrationShellDescriptorsById Explanation Deletes multiple Asset Administration Shell Descriptors, i.e., de-registers multiple Asset Administration Shells semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter shellDescriptors List of Asset Administration Shell Descriptor objects yes AssetAdministrationShellDescriptor 1..* Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 Operation QueryAssetAdministrationShellDescriptors Operation Name QueryAssetAdministrationShellDescriptors Explanation Returns all Asset Administration Shell Descriptors that conform to a certain input query. semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter query Query conforming to the AAS Query Language yes AAS Query 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload List of Asset Administration Shell Descriptors or AAS identifiers no QueryResult<AssetAdministrationShellDescriptor> 1..* Submodel Registry Interface and Operations Submodel Registry Interface Interface: Submodel Registry Operation Name Description GetAllSubmodelDescriptors Returns all submodel descriptors GetSubmodelDescriptorById Returns a specific submodel descriptor PostSubmodelDescriptor Creates a new submodel descriptor, i.e., registers a submodel PostBulkSubmodelDescriptors Creates one or more new submodel descriptors, i.e., registers several submodels PutSubmodelDescriptorById Replaces an existing submodel descriptor, i.e., replaces registration information PutBulkSubmodelDescriptorsById Replaces one or more existing submodel descriptors, i.e., replaces registration information of several submodels DeleteSubmodelDescriptorById Deletes a submodel descriptor, i.e., de-registers a submodel DeleteBulkSubmodelDescriptorsById Deletes one or more submodel descriptors, i.e., de-registers several submodels QuerySubmodelDescriptors Returns all Submodel Descriptors that conform to a certain input query. Operation GetAllSubmodelDescriptors Operation Name GetAllSubmodelDescriptors Explanation Returns all submodel descriptors semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter limit The maximum size of the result set no nonNegativeInteger 1 cursor The position from which to resume a result listing no string 1 Output Parameter statusCode StatusCode yes StatusCode 1 payload List of requested submodel descriptors no SubmodelDescriptor 1..* Operation GetSubmodelDescriptorById Operation Name GetSubmodelDescriptorById Explanation Returns a specific Submodel Descriptor semanticId = Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter submodelIdentifier The Submodel’s unique ID yes Identifier 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Requested submodel descriptor yes SubmodelDescriptor 1 Operation PostSubmodelDescriptor Operation Name PostSubmodelDescriptor Explanation Creates a new submodel descriptor, i.e. registers a submodel semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter submodel Descriptor Object containing the Submodel’s identification and endpoint information yes SubmodelDescriptor 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Created submodel descriptor yes SubmodelDescriptor 1 Operation PostBulkSubmodelDescriptors Operation Name PostBulkSubmodelDescriptors Explanation Creates one or more new submodel descriptors, i.e., registers several submodels semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter submodel Descriptor Object containing the Submodel’s identification and endpoint information yes SubmodelDescriptor 1..* Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 Operation PutSubmodelDescriptorById Operation Name PutSubmodelDescriptorById Explanation Replaces an existing submodel descriptor, i.e., replaces registration information semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter submodel Descriptor Object containing the Submodel’s identification and endpoint information yes SubmodelDescriptor 1 Output Parameter StatusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Replaced submodel descriptor no SubmodelDescriptor 1 Operation PutBulkSubmodelDescriptorsById Operation Name PutBulkSubmodelDescriptorsById Explanation Replaces one or more existing submodel descriptors, i.e., replaces registration information of several submodels semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter submodel Descriptor Object containing the Submodel’s identification and endpoint information yes SubmodelDescriptor 1..* Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Replaced submodel descriptor yes SubmodelDescriptor 1 Operation DeleteSubmodelDescriptorById Operation Name DeleteSubmodelDescriptorById Explanation Deletes a Submodel Descriptor, i.e., de-registers a submodel semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter submodelIdentifier The Submodel’s unique id yes Identifier 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 Operation DeleteBulkSubmodelDescriptorsById Operation Name DeleteBulkSubmodelDescriptorsById Explanation Deletes one or more submodel descriptors, i.e., de-registers several submodels semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter submodelIdentifier The Submodel’s unique ID yes Identifier 1..* Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 Operation QuerySubmodelDescriptors Operation Name QuerySubmodelDescriptors Explanation Returns all Submodel Descriptors that conform to a certain input query. semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter query Query conforming to the AAS Query Language yes AAS Query 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload List of Submodel Descriptors or Submodel identifiers no QueryResult<SubmodelDescriptor> 1..* Repository Interfaces General These interfaces allow to manage Asset Administration Shells, Submodels, and Concept Descriptions. They further provide access to the data of these elements through interfaces described in Asset Administration Shell Interfaces. A repository can host multiple entities. These entities can be stored in individual repositories of a decentral system. The endpoints of the entities managed by one repository shall be resolved by subsequent calls to discover (Publish and Discovery Interfaces) and lookup (Registration Interfaces) interfaces to such decentralized systems. Sometimes, these kinds of services are also classified as Asset Administration Shell management services. The interfaces that provide access to the entities (Asset Administration Shells, Submodels, Concept Descriptions) themselves are convenience interfaces that provide access in a system where the services are managed by central repositories. Asset Administration Shell Repository Interface and Operations Asset Administration Shell Repository Interface Interface: Asset Administration Shell Repository Operation Name Description GetAllAssetAdministrationShells Returns all Asset Administration Shells GetAssetAdministrationShellById Returns a specific Asset Administration Shell GetAllAssetAdministrationShellsByAssetId Returns all Asset Administration Shells that are linked to a globally unique asset identifier or to specific asset ids GetAllAssetAdministrationShellsByIdShort Returns all Asset Administration Shells with a specific idShort PostAssetAdministrationShell Creates a new Asset Administration Shell. The ID of the new Asset Administration Shell must be set in the payload. Note: the creation of the idShort is out of scope and must be handled in a proprietary way. PutAssetAdministrationShellById Replaces an existing Asset Administration Shell DeleteAssetAdministrationShellById Deletes an Asset Administration Shell QueryAssetAdministrationShells Returns all Asset Administration Shells that conform to a certain input query. Operation GetAllAssetAdministrationShells Operation Name GetAllAssetAdministrationShells Explanation Returns all Asset Administration Shells semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter serializationModifier Defines the format of the response yes SerializationModifier 1 limit The maximum size of the result set no nonNegativeInteger 1 cursor The position from which to resume a result listing no string 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload List of Asset Administration Shells no AssetAdministrationShell 1..* Operation GetAssetAdministrationShellById Operation Name GetAssetAdministrationShellById Explanation Returns a specific Asset Administration Shell semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter id The Asset Administration Shell’s unique ID yes Identifier 1 serializationModifier Defines the format of the response yes SerializationModifier 1 limit The maximum size of the result set no nonNegativeInteger 1 cursor The position from which to resume a result listing no string 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Requested Asset Administration Shell yes AssetAdministrationShell 1 Operation GetAllAssetAdministrationShellsByAssetId Operation Name GetAllAssetAdministrationShellsByAssetId Explanation Returns all Asset Administration Shells that are linked to a globally unique asset identifier or to specific asset ids semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter key The key of the AssetId The name of the specific asset identifier or the predefined name “globalAssetId” that would refer to the AssetInformation/globalAssetId yes string 1 keyIdentifier The key identifier object yes string 1 serializationModifier Defines the format of the response yes SerializationModifier 1 limit The maximum size of the result set no nonNegativeInteger 1 cursor The position from which to resume a result listing no string 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Requested Asset Administration Shells no AssetAdministrationShell 1..* Operation GetAllAssetAdministrationShellsByIdShort Operation Name GetAllAssetAdministrationShellsByIdShort Explanation Returns all Asset Administration Shells with a specific idShort semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter idShort The Asset Administration Shell’s idShort yes NameType 1 serializationModifier Defines the format of the response yes SerializationModifier 1 limit The maximum size of the result set no nonNegativeInteger 1 cursor The position from which to resume a result listing no string 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Requested Asset Administration Shells no AssetAdministrationShell 1..* Operation PostAssetAdministrationShell Operation Name PostAssetAdministrationShell Explanation Creates a new Asset Administration Shell. The ID of the new Asset Administration Shell must be set in the payload. Note: the creation of the idShort is out of scope and must be handled in a proprietary way. semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter aas Asset Administration Shell object yes AssetAdministrationShell 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Created Asset Administration Shell yes AssetAdministrationShell 1 Operation PutAssetAdministrationShellById Operation Name PutAssetAdministrationShellById Explanation Replaces an existing Asset Administration Shell semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter aas Asset Administration Shell object yes AssetAdministrationShell 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Replaced Asset Administration Shell no AssetAdministrationShell 1 Operation DeleteAssetAdministrationShellById Operation Name DeleteAssetAdministrationShellById Explanation Deletes an Asset Administration Shell semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter id The Asset Administration Shell’s unique ID yes Identifier 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 Operation QueryAssetAdministrationShells Operation Name QueryAssetAdministrationShells Explanation Returns all Asset Administration Shells that conform to a certain input query. semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter query Query conforming to the AAS Query Language yes AAS Query 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload List of Asset Administration Shells or AAS identifiers no QueryResult<AssetAdministrationShell> 1..* Submodel Repository Interface and Operations Submodel Repository Interface Interface: Submodel Repository Operation Name Description GetAllSubmodels Returns all Submodels GetSubmodelById Returns a specific Submodel GetAllSubmodelsBySemanticId Returns all Submodels with a specific SemanticId GetAllSubmodelsBySupplementalSemanticId Returns all Submodels with a specific SupplementalSemanticId GetAllSubmodelsByIdShort Returns all Submodels with a specific idShort PostSubmodel Creates a new Submodel. The id of the new submodel must be set in the payload. Note: the creation of the idShort is out of scope and must be handled in a proprietary way. PutSubmodelById Replaces an existing Submodel PatchSubmodelById Updates an existing submodel DeleteSubmodelById Deletes a Submodel QuerySubmodels Returns all Submodels that conform to a certain input query. Operation GetAllSubmodels Operation Name GetAllSubmodels Explanation Returns all Submodels semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter serializationModifier Defines the format of the response yes SerializationModifier 1 limit The maximum size of the result set no nonNegativeInteger 1 cursor The position from which to resume a result listing no string 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload List of Submodels no Submodel 1..* Operation GetSubmodelById Operation Name GetSubmodelById Explanation Returns a specific Submodel semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter id The Submodel’s unique ID yes Identifier 1 serializationModifier Defines the format of the response yes SerializationModifier 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Requested Submodel yes Submodel 1 Operation GetAllSubmodelsBySemanticId Operation Name GetAllSubmodelsBySemanticId Explanation Returns all Submodels with a specific SemanticId or SupplementalSemanticId. If either the semanticId fits to the input parameter or at least one of the SupplementalSemanticIds, the submodel is returned. semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter semanticId Identifier of the semantic definition yes Reference 1 serializationModifier Defines the format of the response yes SerializationModifier 1 limit The maximum size of the result set no nonNegativeInteger 1 cursor The position from which to resume a result listing no string 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Requested Submodels no Submodel 1..* Operation GetAllSubmodelsByIdShort Operation Name GetAllSubmodelsByIdShort Explanation Returns all Submodels with a specific idShort semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter idShort The Submodel’s idShort yes NameType 1 serializationModifier Defines the format of the response yes SerializationModifier 1 limit The maximum size of the result set no nonNegativeInteger 1 cursor The position from which to resume a result listing no string 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Requested Submodels no Submodel 1..* Operation PostSubmodel Operation Name PostSubmodel Explanation Creates a new Submodel. The id of the new submodel must be set in the payload. Note: the creation of the idShort is out of scope and must be handled in a proprietary way. semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter submodel Submodel object yes Submodel 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Created Submodel yes Submodel 1 Operation PutSubmodelById Operation Name PutSubmodelById Explanation Replaces an existing Submodel semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter submodel Submodel object yes Submodel 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Replaced Submodel no Submodel 1 Operation PatchSubmodelById Operation Name PatchSubmodelById Explanation Updates an existing Submodel semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter SerializationModifier Defines the format of the input Note: values remain unchanged with content=metadata. yes SerializationModifier 1 submodel Submodel object yes Submodel 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Updated submodel no Submodel 1 Operation DeleteSubmodelById Operation Name DeleteSubmodelById Explanation Deletes a Submodel semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter id The Submodel’s unique ID yes Identifier 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 Operation QuerySubmodels Operation Name QuerySubmodels Explanation Returns all Submodels that conform to a certain input query. semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter query Query conforming to the AAS Query Language yes AAS Query 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload List of Submodels or Submodel identifiers no QueryResult<Submodel> 1..* Concept Description Repository Interface and Operations Concept Description Repository Interface Interface: Concept Description Repository Operation Name Description GetAllConceptDescriptions Returns all Concept Descriptions GetConceptDescriptionById Returns a specific Concept Description GetAllConceptDescriptionsByIdShort Returns all Concept Descriptions with a specific idShort GetAllConceptDescriptionsByIsCaseOf Returns all Concept Descriptions with a specific IsCaseOf-reference GetAllConceptDescriptionsByDataSpecificationReference Returns all Concept Descriptions with a specific dataSpecification reference PostConceptDescription Creates a new Concept Description. The ID of the new Concept Description must be set in the payload. Note: the creation of the idShort is out of scope and must be handled in a proprietary way. PutConceptDescriptionById Replaces an existing Concept Description DeleteConceptDescriptionById Deletes a Concept Description QueryConceptDescriptions Returns all Concept Descriptions that conform to a certain input query. Operation GetAllConceptDescriptions Operation Name GetAllConceptDescriptions Explanation Returns all Concept Descriptions semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter limit The maximum size of the result set no nonNegativeInteger 1 cursor The position from which to resume a result listing no string 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload List of Concept Descriptions no ConceptDescription 1..* Operation GetConceptDescriptionById Operation Name GetConceptDescriptionById Explanation Returns a specific Concept Description semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter id The Concept Description’s unique ID yes Identifier 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Requested Concept Description yes ConceptDescription 1 Operation GetAllConceptDescriptionsByIdShort Operation Name GetAllConceptDescriptionsByIdShort Explanation Returns all Concept Descriptions with a specific idShort semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter idShort The Concept Description’s idShort yes NameType 1 limit The maximum size of the result set no nonNegativeInteger 1 cursor The position from which to resume a result listing no string 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Requested Concept Descriptions no ConceptDescription 1..* Operation GetAllConceptDescriptionsByIsCaseOf Operation Name GetAllConceptDescriptionsByIsCaseOf Explanation Returns all Concept Descriptions with a specific IsCaseOf reference semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter isCaseOf IsCaseOf reference yes Reference 1 limit The maximum size of the result set no nonNegativeInteger 1 cursor The position from which to resume a result listing no string 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Requested Concept Descriptions no ConceptDescription 1..* Operation GetAllConceptDescriptionsByDataSpecificationReference Operation Name GetAllConceptDescriptionsByDataSpecificationReference Explanation Returns all Concept Descriptions with a specific dataSpecification reference semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter dataSpecification-Reference DataSpecification reference yes Reference 1 limit The maximum size of the result set no nonNegativeInteger 1 cursor The position from which to resume a result listing no string 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Requested Concept Descriptions no ConceptDescription 1..* Operation PostConceptDescription Operation Name PostConceptDescription Explanation Creates a new Concept Description. The ID of the new Concept Description must be set in the payload. Note: the creation of the idShort is out of scope and must be handled in a proprietary way. semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter conceptDescription Concept Description object yes ConceptDescription 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Created Concept Description yes ConceptDescription 1 Operation PutConceptDescriptionById Operation Name PutConceptDescriptionById Explanation Replaces an existing Concept Description semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter conceptDescription Concept Description object yes ConceptDescription 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Replaced Concept Description no ConceptDescription 1 Operation DeleteConceptDescriptionById Operation Name DeleteConceptDescriptionById Explanation Deletes a Concept Description semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter cdIdentifier The Concept Description’s unique id yes Identifier 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 Operation QueryConceptDescriptions Operation Name QueryConceptDescriptions Explanation Returns a list of Concept Descriptions based on an input query. semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter query The specific query conformant to the AAS Query Language, containing filter conditions for the required Concept Descriptions. yes AAS Query 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload List of requested Concept Descriptions or identifiers no QueryResult<ConceptDescription> 1..* Publish and Discovery Interfaces General These interfaces allow to publish information about Asset Administration Shells that enable a search for asset IDs of the corresponding Asset Administration Shells in a subsequent discovery interface call. Asset Administration Shell Basic Discovery Interface and Operations Asset Administration Shell Basic Discovery Interface Interface: Asset Administration Shell Basic Discovery Operation Name Description GetAllAssetAdministrationShellIdsByAssetLink Returns a list of Asset Administration Shell ids based on asset identifier key-value-pairs GetAllAssetLinksById Returns a list of asset identifier key-value-pairs based on a given Asset Administration Shell id PostAllAssetLinksById Creates or replaces all asset identifier key-value-pairs linked to an Asset Administration Shell to edit discoverable content DeleteAllAssetLinksById Deletes all asset identifier key-value-pair linked to an Asset Administration Shell Operation GetAllAssetAdministrationShellIdsByAssetLink Operation Name GetAllAssetAdministrationShellIdsByAssetLink <<Deprecated>> Explanation Returns a list of Asset Administration Shell ids based on asset identifier key-value-pairs semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter assetIds The specific assetId of an asset identifier, which could be the globalAssetId or specificAssetIds. Note: the name for the globalAssetId is defined in Contraint AASd-116 in IDTA-0001. It is the predefined key “globalAssetId” that would refer to the AssetInformation/globalAssetId. no SpecificAssetId 1..* limit The maximum size of the result set no nonNegativeInteger 1 cursor The position from which to resume a result listing no string 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Identifiers of all Asset Administration Shells which contain all asset identifier key-value-pairs in their asset information, i.e. AND-match of key-value-pairs per Asset Administration Shell no Identifier 1..* Operation GetAllAssetLinksById Operation Name GetAllAssetLinksById Explanation Returns a list of asset identifier key-value-pairs based on an Asset Administration Shell id to edit discoverable content semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter aasIdentifier The Asset Administration Shell’s unique ID yes string 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Requested asset identifier, which could be the globalAssetId or specificAssetIds. Note: the name for the globalAssetId is defined in Contraint AASd-116 in IDTA-0001. It is the predefined name “globalAssetId” that would refer to the AssetInformation/globalAssetId. no SpecificAssetId 1..* Operation SearchAllAssetAdministrationShellIdsByAssetLink Operation Name SearchAllAssetAdministrationShellIdsByAssetLink Explanation Returns a list of Asset Administration Shell IDs linked to specific asset identifiers or the global asset ID semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter assetLinks A list of AssetLinks that all shall match. An AssetLink might be either derived from a SpecificAssetId ("name": "<>", "value": "<specificAssetId.value>") or a globalAssetId ("name": "globalAssetId", "value": "<globalAssetId-value>"). Note: The name for the globalAssetId is defined in Contraint AASd-116 in IDTA-0001. It is the predefined key “globalAssetId” that would refer to the AssetInformation/globalAssetId. yes AssetLink 1..* limit The maximum size of the result set no nonNegativeInteger 1 cursor The position from which to resume a result listing no string 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Identifiers of all Asset Administration Shells which contain all asset identifier key-value-pairs in their asset information, i.e. AND-match of key-value-pairs per Asset Administration Shell no Identifier 1..* Operation PostAllAssetLinksById Operation Name PostAllAssetLinksById Explanation Creates new asset identifier key-value-pairs linked to an Asset Administration Shell for discoverable content. The existing content might have to be deleted first. semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter aasIdentifier The Asset Administration Shell’s unique ID yes string 1 assetLinks Asset identifier, which could be the globalAssetId or specificAssetIds. Note: the name for the globalAssetId is defined in Contraint AASd-116 in IDTA-0001. It is the predefined name “globalAssetId” that would refer to the AssetInformation/globalAssetId. yes SpecificAssetId 1..* Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 payload Asset identifier created successfully yes SpecificAssetId 1 Operation DeleteAllAssetLinksById Operation Name DeleteAllAssetLinksById Explanation Deletes all asset identifier key-value-pairs linked to an Asset Administration Shell to edit discoverable content semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Input Parameter aasIdentifier The Asset Administration Shell’s unique ID yes string 1 Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 Self Description Interface Self-Description Interface Interface: Self-Description Operation Name Description GetSelfDescription Returns a description object containing the capabilities and supported features of the server. Operation GetSelfDescription Operation Name GetSelfDescription Explanation Returns a description object containing the capabilities and supported features of the server. semanticId Name Description Mand. Type Card. Output Parameter statusCode Status code yes StatusCode 1 description Key-value-pairs that describe the capabilities of the providing server yes ServiceDescription 1 Note 1: a server implementing more than one service specification profile, e.g. hosting a repository and a registry at the same time, adds both ServiceSpecificationProfileEnum items in the profiles list. Note 2: a profile value must only be used if the related API is implemented at the path where the API Operation “GetSelfDescription” is published, or child paths.