Concept Description Attributes Figure 1. Metamodel of Concept Descriptions Class: ConceptDescription Explanation: The semantics of a property or other elements that may have a semantic description is defined by a concept description. The description of the concept should follow a standardized schema (realized as data specification template). Inherits from: Identifiable; HasDataSpecification ID: Attribute ID Explanation Type Card. isCaseOf Reference to an external definition the concept is compatible to or was derived from Note: compare with is-case-of relationship in ISO 13584-32 ([26]) & IEC EN 61360 ([25]) Reference 0..* Different types of submodel elements require different attributes to describe their semantics. This is why a concept description has at least one data specification template associated with it. This template defines the attributes needed to describe the semantics. See IDTA-01003 series for predefined data specification templates.