Change Notes General The change notes list the notable changes made to the document. Non-backward compatible changes (nc) are marked as such. nc="x" means not backward compatible, if no value is added in the table, the change is backward compatible. nc="(x)" means that the change made was implicitly contained or stated in the document before and is now being formalized. Therefore, the change is considered to be backward compatible. The change notes for a version consist of three parts: changes w.r.t. previous version, new elements in metamodel w.r.t previous version, new, changed, or removed Constraints w.r.t previous version. If there are no changes the corresponding tables are omitted. Note: before V3.0, the security metamodel (now IDTA-01004) and the predefined data specifications (now IDTA-01003 series) were also part of this document. They had separate sections and tables documenting the changes. Changes V3.1 vs. V3.0.1 Major Changes: New value "Role" to enumeration AssetKind (#294) New abstract class "ContainerElement" as subtype of "SubmodelElement", subtypes: AnnotatedRelationshipElement, Entity, SubmodelElementCollection, SubmodelElementList. Includes introducing new enumeration for container elements and extending existing enumerations for submodel elements "AasSubmodelElement" etc. (#333) Data type Identifier: change length from 2000 to 2048 characters (#306) Referable/idShort and Constraint AASd-002: now also allows hyphens to be included in name (#295) Entity/entityType and Constraint AASd-014: entityType now optional (#287) Change RelationshipElement: attributes "first" and "second" now optional (conformant to "min" and "max" of "Range")(#412), AnnotatedRelationshipElement inherits from RelationshipElement and is thus also affected. Change File and Blob: attribute "contentType" now optional (#412) remove AASd-120: idShort also allowed for elements within a SubmodelElementList (#432) remove AASd-090: category is deprecated (#514) Relaxation of grammar for semantic IDs for metamodel elements in the context of data specifications (#307) Terms and Definitions adopted to IEC 63278-1:2023 (before IEC 63278-1 Draft July 2022 was the basis), (#365) also abbreviations partly adopted; changes: changed: asset changed: digital representation (example only) removed: ontology changed: service removed: smart manufacturing changed: Submodel changed: Submodel template changed: Submodel template element removed: technical functionality Update clause on matching algorithm for references, include handling of supplementalSemanticIds, isCaseOf etc. (#350, #471, #473, #479, #347) (Editorial) Adding metamodel element IDs to tables themselves for easier usage (besides grammar defining how to derive them) (#366) Update all metamodel element IDs to V3.1 (#366) Transfer of clauses on formats Metadata, Paths and Value-Only from Part 2 API to Part 1 Metamodel (#325) (Editorial) Update clause on Value-Only Serialization, improve documentation (#370, #371, #411) add table similar to metadata table: which attributes are displayed in Value-Only serialization update examples to provide Value-Only serialization for every submodel element (not in the context of a Submodel as before) add clause for Submodel Example (with properties from SMT Technical Data, not Families any longer) update Schema for JSON-Value Serialization (#389) remove recommendation to use external references for semanticId (#376) and related attributes like valueId, semanticIdListElement and isCaseOf (#396, #396) add note: A maximum recursion depth of 32 for Container-Elements should be supported. This means for certification a maximum of 32 recursion test cases should be tested. (#333) remove clauses on OPC UA and AutomationML mappings (#373, #397) update explanatory text and notes in the context of AdministrativeInformation (#331) Transfer from .docx to asciidoc (.adoc) and maintenance in GitHub (including (#318, #316 ) Transfer of all UML figures to PlantUML (.puml), changed notation for model references; maintenance in GitHub, no XMI presenation part of release any longer (#439) Editorial Bugfixes: Replace xs:dateType with xs:dateTime (#467) Correct Example for Reference (#481) improve UML Template description with respect to cardinality (#388) improve formulation of constraints, use "shall" instead of "needs to" etc. AASd-119 Class name is "HasKind", not "hasKind" Minor Changes: add Annex with overview of constraints (#509) update Constraint AASd-116 (#298) remove information on OPC UA mapping (#373) remove information on AutomationML mapping (#397) update bibliography (newer versions, link update, removal of entries not referenced) consistent usage of idShortPath and IRDI-Path (#385) add example for deprecated attribute in class in Annex UML enhanced explantion for AASd-130 editorial changes (including #345, #361, #385) Metamodel Changes V3.1 vs. V3.0.1 Table 1. Changes in Metamodel Nc V3.1 Change w.r.t. V3.0.1 Comment KeyTypes/ContainerElement Add new value "ContainerElement" to enumeration KeyTypes, because AasSubmodelElements was extended AasReferableNonIdentifiables/ContainerElement Add new value "ContainerElement" to enumeration AasReferableNonIdentifiables, because AasSubmodelElements was extended AasReferables/ContainerElement Add new value "ContainerElement" to enumeration AasReferables, because AasSubmodelElements was extended AasSubmodelElements/ContainerElement Add new value "ContainerElement" to enumeration AasSubmodelElements AssetKind Add new value "Role" to enumeration AssetKind Blob/contentType now optional Entity/entityType now optional File/contentType now optional FragmentKeys/ContainerElement Add new value "ContainerElement" to enumeration FragmentKeys, because AasSubmodelElements was extended Identifier data type: change length from 2000 to 2024 characters NameType implicit change due to change of Constraint AASd-002 Referable/idShort implicit change because constraint AASd-002 now also allows hyphen RelationshipElement/first now optional RelationshipElement/second now optional Table 2. New Elements in Metamodel New Elements V3.1 vs V3.0.1 Comment AasContainerSubmodelElements New enumeration for container submodel elements AssetKind/Role New value in enumeration ContainerElement New abstract class AasNonContainerSubmodelElements New enumeration for non-container submodel elements Table 3. New, Changed or Removed Constraints Nc V3.1 vs. V3.0 New, Update, Removed, Reformulated Comment AASd-002 Update now also allows hyphens to be included in name Constraint AASd-002: idShort of Referables shall only feature letters, digits, hyphen ("-") and underscore (""); starting mandatory with a letter, and not ending with a hyphen, i.e. ^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$.]. AASd-006 Update use "shall" instead of "need" Constraint AASd-006: If both, the value and the valueId of a Qualifier are present, the value needs to be identical to the value of the referenced coded value in Qualifier/valueId. changed to Constraint AASd-006: If both, the value and the valueId of a Qualifier are present, the value shall be identical to the value of the referenced coded value in Qualifier/valueId. AASd-007 Update use "shall" instead of "need" Constraint AASd-007: If both the Property/value and the Property/valueId are present, the value of Property/value needs to be identical to the value of the referenced coded value in Property/valueId. changed to Constraint AASd-007: If both the Property/value and the Property/valueId are present, the value of Property/value shall be identical to the value of the referenced coded value in Property/valueId. AASd-014 Update Change since Entity/entityType is now optional Constraint AASd-014: Either the attribute globalAssetId or specificAssetId of an Entity must be set if Entity/entityType is set to "SelfManagedEntity". AASd-021 Update use "shall" instead of "can" Constraint AASd-021: Every qualifiable can only have one qualifier with the same Qualifier/valueType. changed to Constraint AASd-021: Every qualifiable shall only have one qualifier with the same Qualifier/valueType. AASd-116 Update Update version of globalAssetId Constraint AASd-116: "globalAssetId" (case-insensitive) is a reserved key for SpecificAssetId/name with the semantics as defined in AASd-119 Update correct class name from "hasKind" to "HasKind" Constraint AASd-119:# If any Qualifier/kind value of a Qualifiable/qualifier is equal to TemplateQualifier and the qualified element inherits from HasKind, the qualified element shall be of kind Template (HasKind/kind = "Template") AASd-077 Update use "shall" instead of "need" Constraint AASd-077: The name of an extension (Extension/name) within HasExtensions needs to be unique. changed to Constraint AASd-077: The name of an extension (Extension/name) within HasExtensions shall be unique. AASd-090 Removed Constraint AASd-090: For data elements, category (inherited by Referable) shall be one of the following values: CONSTANT, PARAMETER or VARIABLE. Default: VARIABLE AASd-120 Removed Constraint AASd-120: idShort of submodel elements being a direct child of a SubmodelElementList shall not be specified. Changes V3.0.1 vs. V3.0 Major Bugfixes: CHANGE: DataTypeDefXsd all links now reference correctly to XML Schema 1.0 (xmlschema-2) not to XML Schema V1.1 (xmlschema11-2) (#312, #363), i.e. remove xs:yearMonthDuration + editorial changes (remove redundant entries, sort entries. Additionally, added notes that RDF is using XML Schema 1.1 but a subset. CHANGE: support relative path for SubmodelElement File, PathType: support complete URI scheme for files RFC2396 conformant to anyURI of XML Schema 1.0, Part 2 (#299) CHANGE: Constraint AASd-116 globalAssetId + added note that globalAssetId should only be used in discovery functionality but not as value for SpecificAssetId/name (#390) CHANGE: make EmbeddedDataSpecification/dataSpecification mandatory (as implemented in schemas) (#296) CHANGE: Update on handling AASd-130 for schemas different to xml and reformulation of Constraint AASd-130 (#362) CHANGE (Editorial): updated Change Logs of V3.0 w.r.t. Range: Range was set to experimental in V3.0 CHANGE (Editorial, the schemas implemented it like this) Annex UML Tables: "0..*" or "0..3" etc. means that the list may be either not available (optional) or the list is not empty. (#418) CHANGE (Editorial, the schemas implemented it like this, table was correct) Update Figure containing Resource: Resource/path has cardinality 1 and Resource/contentType has cardinality 0..1 (#438) Other Bugfixes: (Editorial) Fix Figure Logical Model for Keys of References (add value Referable to AASReferables, remove Referable from AasReferableNonIdentifiables (enumeration table were correct) (used in Constraints only). (Editorial) MultiLanguageNameType inconsistent description, maxLength=128 (schemata were correct) (#313) (Editorial) HasKind/kind explanatory text: use template, not type (#313) (Editorial) Qualifier/Kind changed to Qualifier/kind (typo in table, UML and schema correct) (Editorial) BasicEventElement/Direction and BasicEventElement/State changed to BasicEventElement/direction and BasicEventElement/state typo in table, UML and schema correct) Fix figure for DataTypeDefXsd: ordering was not correct, xs:float moved to its place (Editorial) fix figure "Association" in Annex for UML (#328) (Editorial) change recommendation to use a global reference to use an external reference, same for externalSubjectId: it is an external reference. (Editorial) JSON and XML Schema references to GitHub admin-shell-io reformulated (Editorial) correct Figure 23 Metamodel of an AssetAdministrationShell: arrow removed from association between Submodel and AssetAdministrationShell (Editorial) update deprecated web links (Editorial) correct information in Changes V3.0 vs. V3.0RC02 w.r.t. VersionType and RevisionType Update links and names of documents in Bibliography Metamodel Changes V3.0.1 vs. V3.0 Table 4. Changes in Metamodel Nc V3.1 Change w.r.t. V3.0 Comment (x) BasicEventElement/Direction (bugfix in Text only) attribute starts with small letter (x) BasicEventElement/State (bugfix in Text only) attribute starts with small letter x DataTypeDefXsd BUGFIX: Remove xs:yearMonthDuration from enumeration Updated links to XML Schema 1.0 (not 1.1) (x) EmbeddedDataSpecification/dataSpecification (bugfix in Text only) now mandatory File/value Type was extended, see PathType (x) MultiLanguageNameType (bugfix in Text only) maxLength=128 (as derived and implemented) PathType string instead of Identifier but with same length constraints extend data type to support complete URI scheme for files RFC2396 (x) Qualifier/Kind (bugfix in Text only) attribute starts with small letter Resource/path Type was extended, see PathType Table 5. New, Changed or Removed Constraints Nc V3.0 vs. V2.0.1 New, Update, Removed, Reformulated Comment x AASd-116 Update Constraint AASd-116: "globalAssetId" (case-insensitive) is a reserved key. If used as value for SpecificAssetId/name, SpecificAssetId/value shall be identical to AssetInformation/globalAssetId. to Constraint AASd-116: "globalAssetId" (case-insensitive) is a reserved key for SpecificAssetId/name with the semantics as defined in AASd-130 Reformulated Constraint AASd-130: an attribute with data type "string" shall consist of these characters only: ^[\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFD\u00010000-\u0010FFFF]*$. to Constraint AASd-130: An attribute with data type "string" shall be restricted to the characters as defined in XML Schema 1.0, i.e. the string shall consist of these characters only: ^[\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFD\u00010000-\u0010FFFF]*$. Changes V3.0 vs. V2.0.1 Major Changes: Document split into several documents: Part 1 on metamodel of the AAS (this document), Part 5 on the aasx package exchange format, Part 3 series on the predefined data specifications, and Part 4 (security) CHANGED: Split of SubmodelElementCollection into SubmodelElementList (with orderRelevant) and SubmodelElementCollection CHANGED: Reference type and referredSemanticId added to Reference; Local and Parent attributes removed from Reference. Logical enumeration concept updated. Some renaming and some new enumerations. Constraint added for references. Grammar for text serialization updated. CHANGED: idType from Identifier removed, ID now string CHANGED: idShort of Referable now optional + Constraints added with respect to ID and idShort, includes that idShort of Submodels etc. no longer need to be unique in the context of an AssetAdministrationShell CHANGED: semanticId no longer mandatory but recommended for SubmodelElement. semanticId now recommended not only for submodel instance but also for submodel template NEW: supplemental Semantic IDs CHANGED: SubmodelElements do no longer inherit from HasKind, only Submodel has distinction between submodel template or submodel instance (including update of tAAS-#18 and -#19) CHANGED: Revised concept on handling of Asset and assetIdentificationModel (assetInformation), Asset removed, no Asset/billOfMaterial any longer. Specific asset IDs added. CHANGED: Attributes with type "string" were substituted by string types with length restrictions + some more constraints on string handling. LangStringSet handling updated. REMOVED: ConceptDictionaries removed, no longer supported REMOVED: Views removed, no longer supported NEW: Events now experimental parts of normative part (including renaming and smaller changes) NEW: Besides type assets and instance assets, assets for which this kind of classification is not applicable are also supported (conformant to IEC 63278-1) REMOVED: Security attribute removed from Asset Administration Shell, Access Control remains part of the specification ENHANCED: DataTypeIEC61360 extended with values for IRI, IRDI, BLOB, FILE + corresponding new constraints added CHANGED: Handling of attributes with xsd-related types like DataTypeDef. New types introduced. NEW: hasExtensions introduced CHANGED: In some mappings or serializations, the type "Reference" is converted into a single string. In this case, it is now required (and not only recommended) to use the defined string serialization. CHANGED: Extracted and not part of this specification any longer; mapping rules for different serializations + Schemata + Example in different serializations CHANGED: Referable/category set to <<Deprecated>> CHANGED: Range set to <<Experimental>> NEW: Besides <<Deprecated>>, new stereotype <<Experimental>> introduced NEW: Qualifier/kind introduced (ValueQualifier, TemplateQualifier, ConceptQualifier) CHANGED: Terms and Definitions updated to be conformant to IEC 63278-1 DRAFT, July 2022 (note: this document contains more terms and definitions than IEC 63278-1 and vice versa: not all terms and definitions from IEC 63278-1 are included). Definition of view removed. Definition of service added from Part 2. CHANGED: Description of ModellingKind Parent attribute in Referables removed NEW: Two new terms introduced: coded value and explicit value CHANGED: Updated grammar on how to define semantic identifiers for metamodel elements of this specification CHANGED: Blob type changed from byte[0..*] to base64Binary NEW: Appendix for Backus-Naur form (BNF) + update of all grammars using BNF and variants so that they are using consistent grammar language NEW: Clause on embedded data specifications EDITORIAL: Text updated, no kind column any longer in class tables, instead notation of ModelReference<{Referable}>. New table for Primitives/Data Types EDITORIAL: New clause "Introduction" EDITORIAL: New clause "Matching strategies for semantic identifiers" EDITORIAL (REMOVED): Clause on Tooling and Open Source removed EDITORIAL: Vector graphics NEW: Constraints implicitly contained in text were formalized and numbered (normative) NEW: Environment explicitly part of UML (was part of serializations from the beginning) Bugfixes: Corrected Japanese example for xd:string HasDataSpecification/embeddedDataSpecs 0..* not 0..1 Qualifier is and never was abstract (Constraint was), table was correct, UML corrected Correct AASd-051: VIEW no longer supported Type of SubmodelElementList/typeValueListElement corrected to AasSubmodelElements (before SubmodelElementElements Missing table for enumeration ReferenceTypes added Bugfix table specifications w.r.t. kind of attribute (from aggr to attr – column kind was removed, see above) Smaller changes: EDITORIAL: Qualifier description updated EDITORIAL: Reformulation of constraints dealing with References and Key/type EDITORIAL: Examples now with https: and not http: EDITORIAL: Footnotes reused EDITORIAL: Added explanation for annotated relationship elements EDITORIAL: Asset type and asset instance now type asset and instance asset (conformant to IEC 63278-1) EDITORIAL: example for langString serialization changed (table 6) Metamodel Changes V3.0 vs. V2.0.1 Table 6. Changes Nc V3.0 Change w.r.t. V2.0.1 Comment anySimpleTypeDef Type removed, was no longer used in any class definition, was mentioned in text only. x Asset Removed, asset referenced via AssetInformation/globalAssetId only x AssetAdministrationShell/asset Removed, substituted by AssetAdministrationShell/assetInformation (but no reference any longer, instead now aggregation) x AssetAdministrationShell/conceptDictionaries Removed x AssetAdministrationShell/security Removed Note: Security is still part of the Asset Administration Shell, but the Asset Administration Shell and its elements are referenced from Security. x AssetAdministrationShell/view Removed, Views no longer supported AssetKind/Instance Updated description of value "Instance" of enumeration "AssetKind" conformant to IEC 63278-1 AssetKind/Type Updated description of value "Type" of enumeration "AssetKind" conformant to IEC 63278-1 x BasicEvent Renamed to BasicEventElement and set to <<Experimental>> x[2] BlobType Primitive changed from "group of bytes" to Base64Binary x ConceptDictionary Removed x Constraint Abstract class removed. Formula now used in Security part only x DataSpecification No longer inherits from Identifiable. However, same attribute names and types x DataSpecification/description Type changed from LangStringSet to MultiLanguageTextType, thus adding a length constraint DataSpecificationContent Stereotype <<Template>> added (x) DataTypeDef Removed and split into DataTypeDefXsd and DataTypeDefRdf. Some types excluded and not supported because now XML Schema 1.0 reference + Before: just string allowing any xsd simple type as string + + added prefix xs: or rdf:, resp., to every value in enumeration x Entity/asset Removed, substituted by Entity/globalAssetId and Entity/specificAssetId x Event Renamed to EventElement x File/mimeType Renamed to contentType + Type changed from MimeType to ContentType x Formula Now abstract class Formula now used in Security part only x HasKind/kind Type changed from ModelingKind to ModellingKind x Identifiable/identification Removed + Substituted by Identifiable/id x IdentifiableElements Renamed to AasIdentifiables x Identifier Type changed Before struct class with two attributes: id and idType. Now string data type only. Maximum length defined: 2,000 characters IdentifierType Enumeration removed because no idType any longer x Key/idType removed x Key/local Local attribute removed. x Key/value Type changed from string to Identifier, thus adding a length constraint (x) KeyElements Renamed to KeyTypes The elements remain, except for new SubmodelElementList, and renamed submodel elements Event and BasicEvent to EventElement and BasicEventElement KeyType Enumeration removed because no Key/idType any longer LocalKeyType Enumeration removed because no Key/idType any longer x MimeType Type name changed to ContentType x MultiLanguageProperty/value Type changed from LangStringSet to MultiLanguageTextType, thus adding a length constraint x PathType Same as Identifier, i.e. length constraint added Property/valueType Type changed from DataTypeDef to DataTypeDefXsd x Qualifiable/qualifier Type changed from Constraint to Qualifier Qualifier No longer inherits from abstract class "Constraint" Qualifier/valueType Type changed from DataTypeDef to DataTypeDefXsd x QualifierType Type changed from string to NameType (i.e. length constraint added) Range set to <<Experimental>> Range/valueType Type changed from DataTypeDef to DataTypeDefXsd x Referable/category Type changed from string to NameType (i.e. length constraint added) Set to deprecated x Referable/description Type changed from string to MultiLanguageTextType, thus adding length constraint Referable/idShort Now optional, was mandatory Type changed from string to NameType (i.e. length constraint added) x Referable/parent Parent attribute removed. x ReferableElement/BasicEvent Renamed to BasicEventElement Now part of AasSubmodelElements x ReferableElements Substituted with enumeration AasSubmodelElements and AasIdentifiables x ReferableElements/AccessPermissionRule Removed from Enumeration, AccessPermissionRule is not referable any longer Not part of new AasReferableNonIdentifiables x ReferableElements/Event Renamed to EventElement Now part of AasSubmodelElements x ReferenceTypes/GlobalReference Renamed to ExternalReference RelationshipElement/first Type changes from model reference Referable to Reference (global or model reference) RelationshipElement/second Type changes from model reference Referable to Reference (global or model reference) x[1] SubmodelElement/kind Removed. SubmodelElement no longer inherits from HasKind ValueDataType Before as specified via DataTypeDef, now any xsd atomic type as specified via DataTypeDefXsd x View Removed Table 7. New Elements in Metamodel New Elements V3.0 vs V2.0.1 Comment AasIdentifiables New enumeration used for References, includes abstract Identifiable + Before: Identifiables AasReferableNonIdentifiables New enumeration used for References AasReferables New enumeration used for References, includes abstract Referable AasSubmodelElements New enumeration used for References + Before: ReferableElements AdministrativeInformation/creator New optional attribute AdministrativeInformation/templateId New optional attribute x AssetAdministrationShell/assetInformation Substitute for AssetAdministrationShell/asset; no reference any longer, instead aggregation AssetInformation with attributes/functionality from former class Asset because not specific to Asset but AAS AssetInformation/assetKind Former Asset/assetKind AssetInformation/assetType New optional attribute AssetInformation/globalAssetId Former Asset/identification/id AssetInformation/specificAssetId Former Asset/assetIdentificationModel AssetInformation/thumbnail Optional Attribute of new class AssetInformation that was not available in Asset class before AssetKind/NotApplicable New enumeration value BasicEventElement Former BasicEvent + New <<Experimental>> submodel element for events BasicEventElement/direction Was part of non-normative part before BasicEventElement/lastUpdate Was part of non-normative part before BasicEventElement/maxInterval Was part of non-normative part before Type changed from dateTime to duration BasicEventElement/messageBroker Was part of non-normative part before BasicEventElement/messageTopic Was part of non-normative part before BasicEventElement/minInterval Was part of non-normative part before Type changed from dateTime to duration BasicEventElement/observed Former name: BasicEvent/observed BasicEventElement/state Was part of non-normative part before ContentType Former name: MimeType Maximum length defined: 100 characters DataTypeDefRdf Enumeration for types of Rdf + added prefix rdf: to every value in enumeration DataTypeDefXsd Enumeration that corresponds to anySimpleTypes of XML Schema 1.0 + + added prefix xs: to every value in enumeration dateTimeStamp New data type for metamodel as used in EventPayload DataSpecification/administration Was inherited before by Identifiable DataSpecification/id Was inherited before by Identifiable DataSpecification/description Was inherited before by Identifiable Direction New Enumeration for BasicEventElement Entity/globalAssetId Former Entity/asset was split into globalAssetId and specificAssetId Entity/specificAssetId Former Entity/asset was split into globalAssetId and specificAssetId Environment New class for entry point for Asset Administration Shells, submodels and concept descriptions. EventElement Former name: Event Set to <<Experimental>> EventPayload New experimental class for event payload Was part of non-normative part before EventPayload/observableSemanticId Was part of non-normative part before EventPayload/payload Was part of non-normative part before Type changed from string to BlobType EventPayload/source Was part of non-normative part before Type changed from ModelReference(Referable) to ModelReference(EventElement) EventPayload/sourceSemanticId Was part of non-normative part before EventPayload/subjectId Was part of non-normative part before EventPayload/timestamp Was part of non-normative part before Type changed from dateTimeStamp to dateTime because restriction to types of XML Schema 1.0 that does not contain dateTimeStamp. dateTimeStamp is a derived type of dateTime in XML Schema 1.1 EventPayload/topic Was part of non-normative part before Type changed from string to MessageTopicType (i.e. length constraint added, maximum 255 characters) Extension New class, part of new abstract class HasExtensions Extension/name Extension/refersTo Extension/valueType Extension/valueType File/contentType Former File/mimeType FragmentKeys New enumeration used for References GenericFragmentKeys New enumeration used for References GenericGloballyIdentifiers New enumeration used for References GloballyIdentifiables New enumeration used for References HasExtensions New abstract class, inherited by Referable HasSemantics/supplementalSemanticId New attribute Identifiable/id Substitute for Identifiable/identification KeyTypes Before: KeyElements + New submodel element SubmodelElementList added, renamed submodel elements Event and BasicEvent to EventElement and BasicEventElement LabelType New string type with maximum 64 characters MessageTopicType New string type with maximum 255 characters ModellingKind Renamed enumeration, before: ModelingKind MultiLanguageNameType Substitute for LangStringSet with short multi-language strings, maximum 64 characters MultiLanguageTextType Substitute for LangStringSet with long multi-language strings, maximum 64 characters NameType New string type with maximum 128 characters Qualifier/kind New experimental attribute for Qualifier QualifierKind New enumeration for Qualifier/kind Referable/displayName New optional attribute for all referables Reference/referredSemanticId New optional attribute for Reference Reference/type New mandatory attribute for Reference ReferenceTypes New enumeration for Reference/type ReferenceTypes/ExternalReference Enumeration value, was named GlobalReference before Resource new type for AssetInformation/defaultThumbnail ShortNameType New string type with maximum 64 characters SpecificAssetId New type for AssetInformation/specificAssetId SpecificAssetId/externalSubjectId See Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) for subject concept SpecificAssetId/name New type for AssetInformation/specificAssetId SpecificAssetId/value New type for AssetInformation/specificAssetId StateOfEvent New experimental enumeration for BasicEventElement SubmodelElementElements Enumeration for submodel elements (split of ReferableElements) SubmodelElementList Before SubmodelElementCollection was used for lists and collections SubmodelElementList/orderRelevant Similar to SubmodelElementCollection/ordered SubmodelElementList/semanticIdListElement Attribute of new class SubmodelElementList SubmodelElementList/typeValueListElement Attribute of new class SubmodelElementList SubmodelElementList/value Similar to SubmodelElementCollection/value but ordered and with all elements having the same semanticId SubmodelElementList/valueTypeListElement Attribute of new class SubmodelElementList Table 8. New, Changed or Removed Constraints Nc V3.0 vs. V2.0.1 New, Update, Removed, Reformulated Comment AASd-001 Removed Constraint AASd-001: In case a referable element is not an identifiable element, this ID is mandatory and used for referring to the element in its name space. For namespace part see AASd-022 AASd-002 Update Regular expression added Constraint AASd-002: idShort of Referables shall only feature letters, digits, underscore (""); starting mandatory with a letter, i.e. [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*. AASd-003 Removed See AASd-022 Constraint AASd-003: idShort of Referables within the same name space shall be unique (case-sensitive). AASd-006 Reformulated Constraint AASd-006: If both, the value and the valueId of a Qualifier are present, the value needs to be identical to the value of the referenced coded value in Qualifier/valueId. AASd-005 Reformulated Constraint AASd-005: If AdministrativeInformation/version is not specified, AdministrativeInformation/revision shall also be unspecified. This means that a revision requires a version. If there is no version, there is no revision either. Revision is optional. AASd-007 Reformulated Constraint AASd-007: If both the Property/value and the Property/valueId are present, the value of Property/value needs to be identical to the value of the referenced coded value in Property/valueId. AASd-008 Removed Constraint AASd-008: The submodel element value of an operation variable shall be of kind=Template. AASd-010 Renamed Renamed and reformulated to AASs-010 Not part of this document any longer but of part security AASd-011 Renamed Renamed and reformulated to AASs-011 Not part of this document any longer but of part security AASd-012 Reformulated Constraint AASd-012: If both the MultiLanguageProperty/value and the MultiLanguageProperty/valueId are present, the meaning must be the same for each string in a specific language, as specified in MultiLanguageProperty/valueId AASd-014 Reformulated Entity was changed Constraint AASd-014: Either the attribute globalAssetId or specificAssetId of an Entity must be set if Entity/entityType is set to "SelfManagedEntity". Otherwise, they do not exist. AASd-115 Reformulated Constraint AASd-115: If a first level child element in a SubmodelElementList does not specify a semanticId, the value is assumed to be identical to SubmodelElementList/semanticIdListElement. AASd-118 Reformulated Constraint AASd-118: If a supplemental semantic ID (HasSemantics/supplementalSemanticId) is defined, there shall also be a main semantic ID (HasSemantics/semanticId). AASd-119 Reformulated Constraint AASd-119: If any Qualifier/kind value of a Qualifiable/qualifier is equal to TemplateQualifier and the qualified element inherits from "hasKind", the qualified element shall be of kind Template (HasKind/kind = "Template"). (x) AASd-020 New Constraint AASd-020: The value of Property/value shall be consistent to the data type as defined in Property/valueType. (x) AASd-021 New Constraint AASd-021: Every qualifiable can only have one qualifier with the same Qualifier/type. AASd-022 New Added case-sensitivity for idShort (since AASd-003 was removed) Constraint AASd-022: idShort of non-identifiable referables within the same name space shall be unique (case-sensitive) AASd-129 Reformulated Constraint AASd-129: If any Qualifier/kind value of a SubmodelElement/qualifier (attribute qualifier inherited via Qualifiable) is equal to TemplateQualifier, the submodel element shall be part of a submodel template, i.e. a Submodel with Submodel/kind (attribute kind inherited via HasKind) value equal to Template. AASd-077 New Constraint AASd-077: The name of an extension (Extension/name) within HasExtensions needs to be unique. AASd-090 New Constraint AASd-090: For data elements, category (inherited by Referable) shall be one of the following values: CONSTANT, PARAMETER or VARIABLE. Default: VARIABLE AASd-107 New Constraint AASd-107: If a first level child element in a SubmodelElementList has a semanticId, it shall be identical to SubmodelElementList/semanticIdListElement. AASd-108 New Constraint AASd-108: All first level child elements in a SubmodelElementList shall have the same submodel element type as specified in SubmodelElementList/typeValueListElement. AASd-109 New Constraint AASd-109: If SubmodelElementList/typeValueListElement is equal to Property or Range, SubmodelElementList/valueTypeListElement shall be set and all first level child elements in the SubmodelElementList shall have the value type as specified in SubmodelElementList/valueTypeListElement. AASd-114 New Constraint AASd-114: If two first level child elements in a SubmodelElementList have a semanticId, they shall be identical. AASd-115 New Constraint AASd-115: If a first level child element in a SubmodelElementList does not specify a semanticId, the value is assumed to be identical to SubmodelElementList/semanticIdListElement. AASd-116 New Constraint AASd-116: "globalAssetId" (case-insensitive) is a reserved key. If used as value for SpecificAssetId/name, IdentifierKeyValuePair/value shall be identical to AssetInformation/globalAssetId. AASd-117 New Constraint AASd-117: idShort of non-identifiable Referables not being a direct child of a SubmodelElementList shall be specified. AASd-118 New Because of new attribute supplementalSemanticId for HasSemantics Constraint AASd-118: If a supplemental semantic ID (HasSemantics/supplementalSemanticId) is defined, there shall also be a main semantic ID (HasSemantics/semanticId). AASd-119 New New Qualifier/kind attribute Constraint AASd-119: If any Qualifier/kind value of a Qualifiable/qualifier is equal to TemplateQualifier and the qualified element inherits from "hasKind", the qualified element shall be of kind Template (HasKind/kind = "Template"). AASd-120 New Constraint AASd-120: idShort of submodel elements being a direct child of a SubmodelElementList shall not be specified. AASd-121 New Constraint AASd-121: For References, the value of Key/type of the first key of Reference/keys shall be one of GloballyIdentifiables. AASd-122 New Constraint AASd-122: For external references, i.e. References with Reference/type = ExternalReference, the value of Key/type of the first key of Reference/keys shall be one of GenericGloballyIdentifiables. AASd-123 New Constraint AASd-123: For model references, i.e. References with Reference/type = ModelReference, the value of Key/type of the first key of Reference/keys shall be one of AasIdentifiables. AASd-124 New Constraint AASd-124: For external references, i.e. References with Reference/type = ExternalReference, the last key of Reference/keys shall be either one of GenericGloballyIdentifiables or one of GenericFragmentKeys. AASd-125 New Constraint AASd-125: For model references, i.e. References with Reference/type = ModelReference with more than one key in Reference/keys, the value of Key/type of each of the keys following the first key of Reference/keys shall be one of FragmentKeys. AASd-126 New Constraint AASd-126: For model references, i.e. References with Reference/type = ModelReference with more than one key in Reference/keys, the value of Key/type of the last Key in the reference key chain may be one of GenericFragmentKeys, or no key at all shall have a value out of GenericFragmentKeys. AASd-127 New Constraint AASd-127: For model references, i.e. References with Reference/type = ModelReference with more than one key in Reference/keys, a key with Key/type FragmentReference shall be preceded by a key with Key/type File or Blob. All other AAS fragments, i.e. Key/type values out of AasSubmodelElements, do not support fragments. AAS-128 New Constraint AASd-128: For model references, i.e. References with Reference/type = ModelReference, the Key/value of a Key preceded by a Key with Key/type=SubmodelElementList is an integer number denoting the position in the array of the submodel element list. AASd-129 New Necessary as supplement for AASd-119 since SubmodelElement does not inherit from HasKind any longer Constraint AASd-129: If any Qualifier/kind value of a SubmodelElement/qualifier (attribute qualifier inherited via Qualifiable) is equal to TemplateQualifier, the submodel element shall be part of a submodel template, i.e. a Submodel with Submodel/kind (attribute kind inherited via HasKind) value equal to Template. x AASd-130 New ensures that encoding is possible and interoperability between different serializations is possible. Constraint AASd-130: An attribute with data type "string" shall consist of these characters only: ^[\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFD\u00010000-\u0010FFFF]*$. (x) AASd-131 New Constraint AASd-131: The globalAssetId or at least one specificAssetId shall be defined for AssetInformation. (x) AASd-133 New Constraint AASd-133: SpecificAssetId/externalSubjectId shall be a global reference, i.e. Reference/type = GlobalReference. (x) AASd-134 New Constraint AASd-134: For an Operation, the idShort of all inputVariable/value, outputVariable/value and inoutputVariable/value shall be unique. x AASd-135 New Constraint AASd-135: AdministrativeInformation/version shall have a length of maximum 4 characters. x AASd-136 New Constraint AASd-136: AdministrativeInformation/revision shall have a length of maximum 4 characters. Changes V3.0 vs. V3.0RC02 Major changes: Document split into several documents: Part 1 on metamodel of the AAS (this document), Part 5 on the aasx package exchange format, Part 3 series on the predefined data specifications, and Part 4 (security) CHANGED: SubmodelElements do not inherit from HasKind any longer, only Submodel has distinction between submodel template or submodel instance (including update of tAAS-#18 and -#19) NEW: New Constraint for valid strings (AASd-130) NEW: Length constraints added for many string attributes, in most cases by introducing new string types CHANGED: renamed ReferenceTypes/GlobalReference to ReferenceTypes/ExternalReference (text serialization of references and constraints updated accordingly) CHANGED: Type of globalAsset is now Identifier and not Reference (AssetInformation and Entity) CHANGED: Updated text for submodel element collections EDITORIAL: Examples for matching references CHANGED: Terms and definitions updated to be conformant to IEC 63278-1 DRAFT, July 2022 (note: this document contains more terms and definitions than IEC 63278-1 and vice versa; not all terms and definitions from IEC 63278-1 are included). Definition of view removed. Definition of service added from Part 2. CHANGED: Description of ModellingKind NEW: Appendix for Backus-Naur form (BNF), including update of all grammars using BNF and variants for consistent grammar language usage ENHANCED: Extended grammar (referredSemanticId) for text serialization of <Reference> CHANGED: Grammar on how to define semantic identifiers for metamodel elements of this specification: <Character> definition in <Namespace> (before "an unreserved character permitted by DIN SPEC 91406", now regular expression [a..zA..Z-]) CHANGED: In some mappings or serializations, the type "Reference" is converted into a single string. In this case, it is now required (instead of just recommended) to use the defined string serialization. CHANGED: Type of BlobType changed from "group of bytes" to "base64Binary" NEW: Two new terms introduced: coded value and explicit value REMOVED: Referable/checksum CHANGE: EventElements including all classes introduced for Events set to <<Experimental>> CHANGE: Referable/category set to <<Deprecated>> CHANGE: Range set to <<Experimental>> CHANGE: AdministrativeInformation Class, not data type NEW: New stereotype <<Experimental>> introduced besides <<Deprecated>> CHANGED: Qualifier/kind set to <<Experimental>> CHANGED: enumeration DataTypeDefXsd for data types for valueType attribute (e..g. in Property) as well as enumeration DataTypeDefRdf (for consistency) + restriction to XML Schema 1.0 (not 1.1.) EDITORIAL (REMOVED): Clause on Tooling and Open Source EDITORIAL: vector graphics NEW: Besides type assets and instance assets now also assets for which this kind of classification is not applicable are supported (conformant to IEC 63278-1) Bugfixes: * Corrected Japanese example for xd:string * UML figure for HasExtensions did not show inheritance (table for Extension was correct) * HasDataSpecification/embeddedDataSpecs 0..* not 0..1 * Qualifier is and never was abstract (Constraint was), table was correct, UML corrected * Correct AASd-051: VIEW no longer supported * Type of SubmodelElementList/typeValueListElement corrected to AasSubmodelElements (before SubmodelElementElements) * Correct text serialization of <Reference> * Added missing table for enumeration ReferenceTypes * AASd-117 it is not the SubmodelElementList having no idShort but its childs * KeyTypes Table: set of AasReferables added Smaller changes: EDITORIAL: Qualifier description updated EDITORIAL: Reformulation of constraints dealing with References and Key/type EDITORIAL: Examples now with https: and not http: EDITORIAL: Footnotes reused EDITORIAL: Added explanation for annotated relationship elements EDITORIAL: asset type and asset instance now type asset and instance asset (conformant to IEC 63278-1) EDITORIAL: example for langString serialization changed (table 6) Metamodel Changes V3.0 vs. V3.0RC02 Table 9. Changes nc V3.0 Change w.r.t. V3.0RC02 Comment AdministrativeInformation Stereotype <<dataType>> removed AssetInformation/externalSubjectId Not mandatory any longer; now optional x AssetInformation/globalAssetId Type changed from Reference to Identifier AssetKind/Type Updated description of value "Type" of enumeration "AssetKind" conformant to IEC 63278-1 AssetKind/Instance Updated description of value "Instance" of enumeration "AssetKind" - conformant to IEC 63278-1 BasicEventElement Set to <<Experimental>> x BasicEventElement/messageTopic Type changed from string to MessageTopicType (i.e. length constraint added, maximum 255 characters) x BasicEventElement/minInterval Type changed from dateTime to duration x BasicEventElement/maxInterval Type changed from dateTime to duration (x)[1] BlobType Primitive changed from "group of bytes" to Base64Binary ContentType Maximum length defined: 100 characters decimalBuildInTypes Removed durationBuildInTypes Removed x DataSpecification/description Type changed from LangStringSet to MultiLanguageTextType; length constraint added x DataTypeDefRdf/langString Added prefix "rdf:", i.e. change from langString to rdf:langString x DateTypeDefXsd/dateTimeStamp Removed since not part of XML Schema 1.0 x DataTypeDefXsd/dayTimeDuration Removed since not part of XML Schema 1.0 x DataTypeDefXsd/yearMonthDuration Removed since not part of XML Schema 1.0 Direction Set to <<Experimental>> x Entity/globalAssetId Type changed from Reference to Identifier x Extension/name Type changed from string to NameType; length constraint added EventElement Set to <<Experimental>> EventElement/duration Type changed from dateTimeStamp to dateTime EventPayload Set to <<Experimental>> EventPayload/payload Type changed from string to BlobType EventPayload/source Type changed from ModelReference(Referable) to ModelReference(EventElement) EventPayload/timestamp Type changed from dateTimeStamp to dateTime because restriction to types of XML Schema 1.0 that does not contain dateTimeStamp. dateTimeStamp is a derived type of dateTime in XML Schema 1.1 EventPayload/topic Type changed from string to MessageTopicType (i.e. length constraint added, maximum 255 characters) x HasKind/kind Type changed from ModelingKind to ModellingKind x Identifier Maximum length defined: 2,000 characters x Key/value Type changed from string to Identifier; length constraint added x MultiLanguageProperty/value Type changed from LangStringSet to MultiLanguageTextType; length constraint added x PathType Same as Identifier; length constraint added PrimitiveTypes Removed Qualifier/kind Set to <<Experimental>> x QualifierType Type changed from string to NameType; length constraint added rdfBuildInTypes Removed Range Set to <<Experimental>> x Referable/category Type changed from string to NameType; length constraint added Category set to deprecated x Referable/checksum Removed x Referable/displayName Type changed from string to MultiLanguageNameType; length constraint added Text how to select a suitable display name removed; now explained in Table 2 x Referable/description Type changed from string to MultiLanguageTextType; length constraint added x Referable/idShort Type changed from string to NameType; length constraint added x ReferenceTypes/GlobalReference Renamed to ExternalReference Resource Stereotype <<DataType>> removed. StateOfEvent Set to <<Experimental>> x SpecificAssetId/name Type changed from string to LabelType (a string with length constraint) x SpecificAssetId/value Type changed from string to Identifier (because of length constraint) x[2] SubmodelElement/kind Removed. SubmodelElement does not inherit from HasKind any longer Table 10. New Elements in Metamodel nc V3.0 vs. V3.0RC02 New Elements Comment AdministrativeInformation/creator New optional attribute AdministrativeInformation/templateId New optional attribute AssetInformation/assetType New optional attribute AssetKind/NotApplicable New enumeration value LabelType New string type with maximum 64 characters MessageTopicType New string type with maximum 255 characters ModellingKind Renamed enumeration, before: ModelingKind MultiLanguageNameType Substitute for LangStringSet with short multi-language strings, maximum 64 characters MultiLanguageTextType Substitute for LangStringSet with long multi-language strings, maximum 64 characters NameType New string type with maximum 128 characters ReferenceTypes/ExternalReference Enumeration value: before: GlobalReference RevisionType New type for AdministrativeInformation/revision with length constraints and regular expression ShortNameType New string type with maximum 64 characters VersionType New type for AdministrativeInformation/version with length constraints and regular expression Table 11. New, Changed or Removed Constraints Nc V3.0 vs. V3.0RC02 New, Update, Removed, Reformulated Comment EDITORIAL The following constraints were also updated with minor editorial changes: Constraints AASd-121, AASd-122, AASd-123, AASd-124, AASd-125, AASd-126, AASd-127, AASd-129 AASd-002 Reformulated Now min length 1, before 2 Constraint AASd-002: idShort of Referables shall only feature letters, digits, underscore (""); starting mandatory with a letter, i.e. [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*. AASd-003 Removed See AASd-022 Constraint AASd-003: idShort of Referables within the same name space shall be unique (case-sensitive). AASd-005 Reformulated Constraint AASd-005: If AdministrativeInformation/version is not specified, AdministrativeInformation/revision shall also be unspecified. This means that a revision requires a version. If there is no version, there is no revision. Revision is optional. AASd-006 Reformulated Constraint AASd-006: If both, the value and the valueId of a Qualifier are present, the value needs to be identical to the value of the referenced coded value in Qualifier/valueId. AASd-007 Reformulated Constraint AASd-007: If both the Property/value and the Property/valueId are present, the value of Property/value needs to be identical to the value of the referenced coded value in Property/valueId. AASd-012 Reformulated Constraint AASd-012: if both the MultiLanguageProperty/value and the MultiLanguageProperty/valueId are present, the meaning must be the same for each string in a specific language, as specified in MultiLanguageProperty/valueId. AASd-020 Reformulated Constraint AASd-020: The value of Qualifier/value shall be consistent with the data type as defined in Qualifier/valueType. AASd-022 Update Added case-sensitivity for idShort (since AASd-003 was removed) Constraint AASd-022: idShort of non-identifiable Referables within the same name space shall be unique (case-sensitive) AASd-027 Removed Not needed any longer since Type of idShort was changed to NameType and NameType has a maximum length of 128 characters Constraint AASd-027: idShort of Referables shall have a maximum length of 128 characters AASd-077 Reformulated Constraint AASd-077: the name of an extension (Extension/name) within HasExtensions needs to be unique AASd-100 Removed Since new string types with length constraints were added, this constraint is no longer needed Constraint AASd-100: An attribute with data type "string" is not allowed to be empty AASd-109 Reformulated Constraint AASd-109: If SubmodelElementList/typeValueListElement is equal to Property or Range, SubmodelElementList/valueTypeListElement shall be set and all first level child elements in the SubmodelElementList shall have the value type as specified in SubmodelElementList/valueTypeListElement. AASd-115 Reformulated Constraint AASd-115: If a first level child element in a SubmodelElementList does not specify a semanticId, the value is assumed to be identical to SubmodelElementList/semanticIdListElement. AASd-117 Bugfix Constraint AASd-117: idShort of non-identifiable Referables not being a direct child of a SubmodelElementList shall be specified. AASd-118 Reformulated Constraint AASd-118: If a supplemental semantic ID (HasSemantics/supplementalSemanticId) is defined, there shall also be a main semantic ID (HasSemantics/semanticId). AASd-119 Reformulated Constraint AASd-119: If any Qualifier/kind value of a Qualifiable/qualifier is equal to TemplateQualifier and the qualified element inherits from "hasKind", the qualified element shall be of kind Template (HasKind/kind = "Template"). AASd-120 Reformulated Constraint AASd-120: idShort of submodel elements being a direct child of a SubmodelElementList shall not be specified. AASd-121 Reformulated Constraint AASd-121: For References the value of Key/type of the first key of Reference/keys shall be one of GloballyIdentifiables. AASd-122 Reformulated Constraint AASd-122: For external references, i.e. References with Reference/type = ExternalReference, the value of Key/type of the first key of Reference/keys shall be one of GenericGloballyIdentifiables. AASd-123 Reformulated Constraint AASd-123: For model references, i.e. References with Reference/type = ModelReference, the value of Key/type of the first key of Reference/keys shall be one of AasIdentifiables. AASd-124 Reformulated Constraint AASd-124: For external references, i.e. References with Reference/type = ExternalReference, the last key of Reference/keys shall be either one of GenericGloballyIdentifiables or one of GenericFragmentKeys. AASd-125 Reformulated Constraint AASd-125: For model references, i.e. References with Reference/type = ModelReference with more than one key in Reference/keys, the value of Key/type of each of the keys following the first key of Reference/keys shall be one of FragmentKeys. AASd-126 Reformulated Constraint AASd-126: For model references, i.e. References with Reference/type = ModelReference with more than one key in Reference/keys, the value of Key/type of the last Key in the reference key chain may be one of GenericFragmentKeys, or no key at all shall have a value out of GenericFragmentKeys. AASd-127 Reformulated Constraint AASd-127: For model references, i.e. References with Reference/type = ModelReference with more than one key in Reference/keys, a key with Key/type FragmentReference shall be preceded by a key with Key/type File or Blob. All other AAS fragments, i.e. Key/type values out of AasSubmodelElements, do not support fragments. AASd-129 New Necessary as supplement for AASd-119, since SubmodelElement does not inherit from HasKind any longer Constraint AASd-129: If any Qualifier/kind value of a SubmodelElement/qualifier (attribute qualifier inherited via Qualifiable) is equal to TemplateQualifier, the submodel element shall be part of a submodel template, i.e. a Submodel with Submodel/kind (attribute kind inherited via HasKind) value to Template. x AASd-130 New Ensures that encoding is possible and interoperability between different serializations is possible. Constraint AASd-130: An attribute with data type "string" shall consist of these characters only: ^[\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFD\u00010000-\u0010FFFF]*$. (x) AASd-131 New Constraint AASd-131: The globalAssetId or at least one specificAssetId shall be defined for AssetInformation. (x) AASd-133 New Constraint AASd-133: specificAssetId/externalSubjectId shall be a global reference, i.e. Reference/type = ExternalReference. (x) AASd-134 New Constraint AASd-134: For an operation, the idShort of all inputVariable/value, outputVariable/value, and inoutputVariable/value shall be unique. AASd-051 Removed Since category is deprecated, this constraint was removed. Views are no longer supported by metamodel Constraint AASd-051: A ConceptDescription shall have one of the following categories: VALUE, PROPERTY, REFERENCE, DOCUMENT, CAPABILITY, RELATIONSHIP, COLLECTION, FUNCTION, EVENT, ENTITY, APPLICATION_CLASS, QUALIFIER. Default: PROPERTY. Changes V3.0RC02 vs. V2.0.1 Metamodel Changes V3.0RC02 vs. V2.0.1 w/o Security Part Note: if you already implemented the changes made in V3.0RC01, please refer to the corresponding clause in the annex. This annex is for readers familiar with V2.0.x only. Major changes: CHANGED: Split of SubmodelElementCollection into SubmodelElementList (with orderRelevant) and SubmodelElementCollection CHANGED: Reference type and referredSemanticId added to Reference; Local and Parent attributes removed from Reference; logical enumeration concept updated. Some renaming and some new enumerations. Constraint for References. CHANGED: Reference/type now as optional part of string serialization of reference CHANGED: idType from identifier removed, ID now string CHANGED: idShort of Referable now optional + Constraints added with respect to ID and idShort, includes that idShort of Submodels etc. no longer need to be unique in the context of an Asset Administration Shell CHANGED: semanticId no longer mandatory for SubmodelElement CHANGED: Revised concept on handling of Asset and assetIdentificationModel (assetInformation), Asset removed, no more Asset/billOfMaterial. any longer. Specific asset IDs added. REMOVED: ConceptDictionaries removed, because no longer supported REMOVED: Views removed, because no longer supported NEW: Event and BasicEvent updated and renamed to EventElement and BasicEventElement NEW: Checksum introduced for Referables REMOVED: security attribute removed from Asset Administration Shell; access control remains part of the specification ENHANCED: DataTypeIEC61360 extended with values for IRI, IRDI, BLOB, FILE + corresponding new constraints added ENHANCED: Removed and split into DataTypeDefXsd and DataTypeDefRdf. Some types are excluded and not supported CHANGED: Mapping rules for different serializations + schemata + example in different serializations extracted and no longer part of this specification EDITORIAL: Text updated, no kind column any longer in class tables, instead notation of ModelReference<{Referable}>. New table for Primitives/Data Types EDITORIAL: New clause "Introduction" EDITORIAL: New clause "Matching strategies for semantic identifiers" NEW: Constraints implicitly contained in text were formalized and numbered (normative) NEW: Environment explicitly part of UML (was part of serializations from the beginning) NEW: supplemental Semantic IDs NEW: Qualifier/kind (TemplateQualifier, ConceptQualifier, ValueQualifier) Bugfixes: bugfix annotation AnnotatedRelationship is of type aggr and not ref* (diagram was correct) bugfix specification of ValueList and ValueReferencePairType, no data types, normal classes bugfix table specifications w.r.t. kind of attribute (from aggr to attr – column kind was removed, see above) bugfix data type specification LangStringSet (no diagram and table any longer) bugfix enumeration ReferableElements, no ConceptDictionary any longer + new elements like new submodel elements SubmodelElementList added. Note: ReferableElements was substituted by AasSubmodelElements and Aas Identifiables. Entity/globalAssetId diagram (table was correct): Type change from reference of Reference* to Reference Table 12. Changes w/o Security nc V3.0RC02 Change w.r.t. V2.0.1 Comment AdministrativeInformation Bugfix: Stereotype "DataType" added AnnotatedRelationship/annotation Bugfix: Type changed from ModelReference<DataElement> to DataElement anySimpleTypeDef Type removed, was no longer used in any class definition, was mentioned in text only x Asset Removed, asset referenced via AssetInformation/globalAssetId only x AssetAdministrationShell/asset Removed, substituted by AssetAdministrationShell/assetInformation (no reference any longer, instead now aggregation) x AssetAdministrationShell/conceptDictionaries Removed x AssetAdministrationShell/security Removed Note: Security is still part of the Asset Administration Shell, but the Asset Administration Shell and its elements are referenced from Security. AssetAdministrationShell/view Removed, views no longer supported x BasicEvent Renamed to BasicEventElement x ConceptDictionary Removed x Constraint Abstract class removed. Formula now used in Security part only (x) DataTypeDef Removed and split into DataTypeDefXsd and DataTypeDefRdf; some types excluded and not supported (see notes in corresponding clause) Before: just string allowing any xsd simple type as string + added prefix xs: or rdf:, resp. to every value in enumeration x Entity/asset Removed, substituted by Entity/globalAssetId and Entity/specificAssetId x Event Renamed to EventElement x Extension/refersTo Type changed from Reference to ModelReference x Extension/valueType Type changed from DataTypeDef to DataTypeDefXsd x File/mimeType Renamed to contentType + Type changed from MimeType to ContentType x Formula Now abstract class Formula now used in Security part only x Formula/dependsOn Removed, since formula language not yet defined x Identifiable/identification Removed Substituted by Identifiable/id x IdentifiableElements Renamed to AasIdentifiables x Identifier Type changed Before struct class with two attributes: id and idType; now string data type only IdentifierType Enumeration removed, because no idType any longer x Key/idType removed x Key/local Local attribute removed (x) KeyElements Renamed to KeyTypes Note: the elements remain, except for new SubmodelElementList and renamed submodel elements Event and BasicEvent to EventElement and BasicEventElement KeyType Enumeration removed because no Key/idType any longer LocalKeyType Enumeration removed because no Key/idType any longer x MimeType Type name changed to ContentType Property/valueType Type changed from DataTypeDef to DataTypeDefXsd x Qualifiable/qualifier Type changed from Constraint to Qualifier Qualifier No longer inherits from abstract class "Constraint" Qualifier/valueType Type changed from DataTypeDef to DataTypeDefXsd Range/valueType Type changed from DataTypeDef to DataTypeDefXsd Referable/idShort Now optional, was mandatory x Referable/parent Parent attribute removed x ReferableElements Substituted with enumeration AasSubmodelElements and AasIdentifiables x ReferableElements/AccessPermissionRule Removed from enumeration, AccessPermissionRule is no longer referable Not part of new AasReferableNonIdentifiables x ReferableElement/BasicEvent Renamed to BasicEventElement Now part of AasSubmodelElements (x) ReferablesElements/ConceptDictionary Bugfix: ConceptDictionary removed from enumeration, since ConceptDictionary no longer part of specification Not part of new KeyTypes x ReferableElements/Event Renamed to EventElement Now part of AasSubmodelElements RelationshipElement/first Type changes from model reference Referable to Reference (global or model reference) RelationshipElement/second Type changes from model reference Referable to Reference (global or model reference) ValueDataType Before as specified via DataTypeDef, now any xsd atomic type as specified via DataTypeDefXsd x View Removed Table 13. New Elements in Metamodel w/o Security nc V3.0RC02 vs. V2.0.1 New Elements Comment AasSubmodelElements New enumeration used for References Before: ReferableElements AasIdentifiables New enumeration used for References, includes abstract Identifiable Before: Identifiables AasReferableNonIdentifiables New enumeration used for References AasReferables New enumeration used for References, includes abstract Referable x AssetAdministrationShell/assetInformation substitute for AssetAdministrationShell/asset; no reference any longer, instead now aggregation AssetInformation with attributes/functionality from former class Asset, because not specific to Asset but to AAS AssetInformation/assetKind Former Asset/assetKind AssetInformation/globalAssetId Former Asset/identification/id AssetInformation/specificAssetId Former Asset/assetIdentificationModel AssetInformation/thumbnail Optional Attribute of new class AssetInformation that was not available in Asset class before BasicEventElement Former name: BasicEvent Was part of non-normative part before BasicEventElement/direction Former name: BasicEvent/observed Was part of non-normative part before BasicEventElement/lastUpdate Was part of non-normative part before BasicEventElement/messageBroker Was part of non-normative part before BasicEventElement/messageTopic Was part of non-normative part before BasicEventElement/minInterval Was part of non-normative part before BasicEventElement/maxInterval Was part of non-normative part before BasicEventElement/observed Was part of non-normative part before BasicEventElement/state Was part of non-normative part before ContentType Former name: MimeType dateTimeStamp New data type for metamodel as used in EventPayload DataTypeDefRdf Enumeration for types of Rdf + prefix rdf: added to every value in enumeration DataTypeDefXsd Enumeration consisting of enumerations decimalBuildInTypes, durationBuildInTypes, PrimitiveTypes that correspond to anySimpleTypes of xsd. + added prefix xs: to every value in enumeration Direction New enumeration for BasicEventElement Environment New class for entry point for Asset Administration Shells, submodels and concept descriptions EventElement Former name: Event EventPayload New class for event payload EventPayload/observableSemanticId Was part of non-normative part before EventPayload/payload Was part of non-normative part before EventPayload/source Was part of non-normative part before EventPayload/sourceSemanticId Was part of non-normative part before EventPayload/subjectId Was part of non-normative part before EventPayload/timestamp Was part of non-normative part before Extension New class, part of new abstract class HasExtensions FragmentKeys New enumeration used for References GenericFragmentKeys New enumeration used for References GenericGloballyIdentifiers New enumeration used for References GloballyIdentifiables New enumeration used for References HasExtensions New abstract class, inherited by Referable HasSemantics/supplementalSemanticId New attribute Identifiable/id Substitute for Identifiable/identification IdentifierKeyValuePair New class for AssetInformation/specificAssetId KeyTypes Before: KeyElements New submodel element SubmodelElementList added, submodel elements Event and BasicEvent to EventElement and BasicEventElement renamed Qualifier/kind New attribute for Qualifier QualifierKind New enumeration for Qualifier/kind PrimitiveTypes Enumeration for DataTypeDefXsd Referable/checksum New optional attribute for all referables Referable/displayName New optional attribute for all referables Reference/referredSemanticId New optional attribute for Reference x Reference/type New mandatory attribute for Reference ReferenceTypes New enumeration for Reference/type StateOfEvent New enumeration for BasicEventElement SpecificAssetId New type for AssetInformation/specificAssetId SpecificAssetId/name New type for AssetInformation/specificAssetId SpecificAssetId/value New type for AssetInformation/specificAssetId SpecificAssetId/externalSubjectId New type for AssetInformation/specificAssetId See Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) for subject concept SubmodelElementElements Enumeration for submodel elements (split of ReferableElements) SubmodelElementList Before SubmodelElementCollection was used for lists and structs SubmodelElementList/orderRelevant Similar to SubmodelElementCollection/ordered SubmodelElementList/value Similar to SubmodelElementCollection/value but ordered and with all elements having the same semanticId SubmodelElementList/semanticIdListElement Attribute of new class SubmodelElementList SubmodelElementList/typeValueListElement Attribute of new class SubmodelElementList SubmodelElementList/valueTypeListElement Attribute of new class SubmodelElementList Table 14. New, Changed or Removed Constraints w/o Security Nc V3.0RC02 vs. V2.0.1 New, Update, Removed, Reformulated Comment AASd-001 Removed Constraint AASd-001: In case of a referable element not being an identifiable element this ID is mandatory and used for referring to the element in its name space. For namespace part see AASd-022 [3] AASd-003 Update idShort is case-sensitive and not case-insensitive Constraint AASd-003: idShort of Referables shall be matched case-sensitive. AASd-005 Reformulated Constraint AASd-005: If AdministrativeInformation/version is not specified than also AdministrativeInformation/revision shall be unspecified. This means, a revision requires a version. if there is no version there is no revision neither. Revision is optional. AASd-008 Removed Constraint AASd-008: The submodel element value of an operation variable shall be of kind=Template. AASd-010 Renamed Renamed and reformulated to AASs-010 (see NEW) AASd-011 Renamed Renamed and reformulated to AASs-011 (see NEW) AASd-012 Reformulated Constraint AASd-012: If both, the MultiLanguageProperty/value and the MultiLanguageProperty/valueId are present then for each string in a specific language the meaning must be the same as specified in MultiLanguageProperty/valueId AASd-014 Reformulated Entity was changed Constraint AASd-014: Either the attribute globalAssetId or specificAssetId of an Entity must be set if Entity/entityType is set to "SelfManagedEntity". They are not existing otherwise. (x) AASd-020 New Constraint AASd-020: The value of Property/value shall be consistent to the data type as defined in Property/valueType. (x) AASd-021 New Constraint AASd-021: Every qualifiable can only have one qualifier with the same Qualifier/type. AASd-023 Removed No Asset any longer that can be referenced as alternative to global reference Constraint AASd-023: AssetInformation/globalAssetId either is a reference to an Asset object or a global reference. x AASd-027 New Constraint AASd-027: idShort of Referables shall have a maximum length of 128 characters. x AASd-076 Removed Substituted by AASc-002; simplified, no reference to concept description AASd-077 New Constraint AASd-077: The name of an extension within HasExtensions needs to be unique. x AASd-076 Removed Substituted by AASc-002; simplified, no reference to concept description AASd-077 New Constraint AASd-077: The name of an extension within HasExtensions needs to be unique. AASd-090 Update Exception: File and Blob data elements removed. Reformulated. Constraint AASd-090: For data elements category (inherited by Referable) shall be one of the following values: CONSTANT, PARAMETER or VARIABLE. Default: VARIABLE AASd-100 New Constraint AASd-100: An attribute with data type "string" is not allowed to be empty. AASd-107 New Constraint AASd-107: If a first level child element in a SubmodelElementList has a semanticId it shall be identical to SubmodelElementList/semanticIdListElement. AASd-108 New Constraint AASd-108: All first level child elements in a SubmodelElementList shall have the same submodel element type as specified in SubmodelElementList/typeValueListElement. AASd-109 New Constraint AASd-109: If SubmodelElementList/typeValueListElement equal to Property or Range SubmodelElementList/valueTypeListElement shall be set and all first level child elements in the SubmodelElementList shall have the value type as specified in SubmodelElementList/valueTypeListElement. AASd-114 New Constraint AASd-114: If two first level child elements in a SubmodelElementList have a semanticId then they shall be identical. AASd-115 New Constraint AASd-115: If a first level child element in a SubmodelElementList does not specify a semanticId then the value is assumed to be identical to SubmodelElementList/semanticIdListElement. AASd-116 New Constraint AASd-116: "globalAssetId" (case-insensitive) is a reserved key. If used as value for SpecificAssetId/name IdentifierKeyValuePair/value shall be identical to AssetInformation/globalAssetId. AASd-117 New Needed because Referable/idShort now optional Constraint AASd-117: idShort of non-identifiable Referables not equal to SubmodelElementList shall be specified (i.e. idShort is mandatory for all Referables except for SubmodelElementLists and all Identifiables). AASd-118 New Because of new attribute supplementalSemanticId for HasSemantics Constraint AASd-118: If there is a supplemental semantic ID (HasSemantics/supplementalSemanticId) defined then there shall be also a main semantic ID (HasSemantics/semanticId). AASd-119 New New qualifier/kind attribute Constraint AASd-119: If any Qualifier/kind value of a Qualifiable/qualifier is equal to TemplateQualifier and the qualified element inherits from "hasKind" then the qualified element shall be of kind Template (HasKind/kind = "Template"). AASd-120 New For new submodel element SubmodelElementList Constraint AASD-120: idShort of submodel elements within a SubmodelElementList shall not be specified. AASd-121 New Constraint AASd-121: For References the type of the first key of Reference/keys shall be one of GloballyIdentifiables. AASd-122 New Constraint AASd-122: For global references, i.e. References with Reference/type = GlobalReference, the type of the first key of Reference/keys shall be one of GenericGloballyIdentifiables. AASd-123 New Constraint AASd-123: For model references, i.e. References with Reference/type = ModelReference, the type of the first key of Reference/keys shall be one of AasIdentifiables. AASd-124 New Constraint AASd-124: For global references, i.e. References with Reference/type = GlobalReference, the last key of Reference/keys shall be either one of GenericGloballyIdentifiables or one of GenericFragmentKeys. AASd-125 New Constraint AASd-125: For model references, i.e. References with Reference/type = ModelReference, with more than one key in Reference/keys the type of the keys following the first key of Reference/keys shall be one of FragmentKeys. AASd-126 New Constraint AASd-126: For model references, i.e. References with Reference/type = ModelReference, with more than one key in Reference/keys the type of the last Key in the reference key chain may be one of GenericFragmentKeys or no key at all shall have a value out of GenericFragmentKey. AASd-127 New Constraint AASd-127: For model references, i.e. References with Reference/type = ModelReference, with more than one key in Reference/keys a key with type FragmentReference shall be preceded by a key with type File or Blob. All other AAS fragments, i.e. type values out of AasSubmodelElements, do not support fragments. AA-128 New Constraint AASd-128: For model references, i.e. References with Reference/type = ModelReference, the Key/value of a Key preceded by a Key with Key/type=SubmodelElementList is an integer number denoting the position in the array of the submodel element list. Metamodel Changes V3.0RC02 vs. V2.0.1 – Data Specification IEC61360 Table 15. Changes w.r.t. Data Specification IEC61360 nc V3.0RC02 Change w.r.t. V2.0.1 Comment DataSpecification Stereotype <<Template>> added + does not inherit from Identifiable any longer because Data Specification are handled in a different way Some attributes are added to DataSpecification as new attributes like id, administration and description (see separate entries). DataSpecification/category Removed, was inherited before by Identifiable DataSpecification/displayName Removed, was inherited before by Identifiable DataSpecification/idShort Removed, was inherited before by Identifiable x DataSpecificationIEC61360/value Type changed from ValueDataType to string DataSpecificationIEC61360/valueId Removed, the valueId is identical to the ID of the concept description DataSpecificationContent Stereotype <<Template>> added x DataTypeIEC61360 Some new values were added: BLOB, FILE, HTML, IRDI. URL renamed to IRI. + See separate entries for individual changes. x DataTypeIEC61360/URL Renamed to IRI ValueList/valueReferencePairs Bugfix, was ValueList/valueReferencePairTypes before x ValueReferencePair/value Type changed from ValueDataType to string Table 16. New Elements in Metamodel DataSpecification IEC61360 nc V3.0RC02 vs. V2.0.1 Comment DataSpecification/administration Was inherited before by Identifiable DataSpecification/id Was inherited before by Identifiable DataSpecification/description Was inherited before by Identifiable DataTypeIEC61360/BLOB New value DataTypeIEC61360/FILE New value DataTypeIEC61360/HTML New value DataTypeIEC61360/IRDI New value DataTypeIEC61360/IRI Converted Iri to CamelCase and renamed to Iri from URL Table 17. New, Changed or Removed Constraints Data Specification IEC61360 nc V3.0RC02 vs. V2.0.1 New, Update, Removed, Reformulated Comment AASc-002 New Updated version of AASd-076, renamed to AASc-002 because applicable to data specification IEC61360 Constraint AASc-002: DataSpecificationIEC61360/preferredName shall be provided at least in English (x) AASc-003 New Constraint AASc-003: For a ConceptDescription with category VALUE using data specification template IEC61360 ( DataSpecificationIEC61360/value shall be set. (x) AASc-004 New Constraint AASc-004: For a ConceptDescription with category PROPERTY or VALUE using data specification template IEC61360 ( - DataSpecificationIEC61360/dataType is mandatory and shall be defined. (x) AASc-005 New Constraint AASc-005: For a ConceptDescription with category REFERENCE using data specification template IEC61360 ( - DataSpecificationIEC61360/dataType is STRING by default. (x) AASc-006 New Constraint AASc-006: For a ConceptDescription with category DOCUMENT using data specification template IEC61360 ( - DataSpecificationIEC61360/dataType shall be one of the following values: STRING or URL. (x) AASc-007 New Constraint AASc-007: For a ConceptDescription with category QUALIFIER_TYPE using data specification template IEC61360 ( - DataSpecificationIEC61360/dataType is mandatory and shall be defined. (x) AASc-008 New Constraint AASc-008: For a ConceptDescriptions except for a ConceptDescription of category VALUE using data specification template IEC61360 ( - DataSpecificationIEC61360/definition is mandatory and shall be defined at least in English. (x) AASc-009 New Constraint AASc-009: If DataSpecificationIEC61360/dataType one of: INTEGER_MEASURE, REAL_MEASURE, RATIONAL_MEASURE, INTEGER_CURRENCY, REAL_CURRENCY, then DataSpecificationIEC61360/unit or DataSpecificationIEC61360/unitId shall be defined. (x) AASc-010 New Constraint AASc-010: If DataSpecificationIEC61360/value is not empty then DataSpecificationIEC61360/valueList shall be empty and vice versa Metamodel Changes V3.0RC02 vs. V2.0.1 – Security Part Changes: Removed, because deprecated: policy decision point, policy enforcement point, and policy information points are not part of information model but of server infrastructure hosting the Asset Administration Shells Removed: Certificate Handling not part of information model but of server infrastructure hosting the Asset Administration Shells Table 18. Changes w.r.t. Security nc V3.0RC02 Change w.r.t. V2.0.1 Comment x AccessControlPolicyPoints/policyAdministrationPoint Type changed from PolicyAdministrationPoint to AccessControl x AccessControlPolicyPoints/policyDecisionPoint Removed x AccessControlPolicyPoints/policyEnforcementPoint Removed x AccessControlPolicyPoints/policyInformationPoint Removed x AccessPermissionRule No longer inherits from Referable No longer inherits from Qualifiable x BlobCertificate Removed x Certificate Removed x Formula Now abstract class, only used in security part (no longer used in Qualifiables) x Formula/dependsOn Removed attribute x PolicyAdministrationPoint Removed x policyDecisionPoint Removed x policyEnforcementPoint Removed x policyInformationPoints Removed x Security/certificate Removed x Security/requiredCertificateExtension Removed Table 19. New Elements in Metamodel Security nc V3.0RC02 vs. V2.0.1 Comment AccessPermissionRule/constraint Substitute for inherited attributes from Qualifiable Table 20. New, Changed or Removed Constraints Security nc V3.0RC02 vs. V2.0.1 New, Update, Removed, Reformulated Comment AASd-015 Removed Renamed to AASs-015 (see NEW) AASs-009 Removed Removed since class PolicyAdministrationPoint was removed Constraint AASs-009: either there is an external policy administration point endpoint defined (PolicyAdministrationPoint/externalPolicyDecisionPoints=true) or the AAS has its own access control AASs-010 NEW Reformulation of AASd-010 Constraint AASs-010: the property referenced in Permission/permission shall have the category "CONSTANT". AASs-011 NEW Reformulation of AASd-011 Constraint AASs-011: the property referenced in Permission/permission shall be part of the submodel that is referenced within the "selectablePermissions" attribute of "AccessControl". AASs-015 NEW Constraint AASs-015: every data element in SubjectAttributes/subjectAttributes shall be part of the submodel that is referenced within the "selectableSubjectAttributes" attribute of "AccessControl". Changes V3.0RC02 vs. V3.0RC01 Metamodel Changes V3.0RC02 vs. V3.0RC01 w/o Security Part Major changes: CHANGED: Split of SubmodelElementCollection into SubmodelElementList (with orderRelevant) and SubmodelElementCollection CHANGED: Reference type and referredSemanticId added to Reference; Local and Parent attributes removed from Reference. Logical enumeration concept updated. Some renaming; constraints added for references CHANGED: Reference/type now as optional part of string serialization of reference CHANGED: idType from identifier removed, ID now string. CHANGED: idShort of Referable now optional + Constraints added with respect to id and idShort REMOVED: AssetInformation/billOfMaterial removed REMOVED: Asset removed REMOVED: Views removed, because no longer supported NEW: Event and BasicEvent updated and renamed to EventElement and BasicEventElement NEW: Checksum introduced for Referables REMOVED: security attribute removed from Asset Administration Shell; access control remains part of the specification ENHANCED: DataTypeIEC61360 extended with values for IRI, IRDI, BLOB, FILE + corresponding new constraints added ENHANCED: Removed and split into DataTypeDefXsd and DataTypeDefRdf; some types are excluded and not supported CHANGED: Mapping rules for different serializations + schemata + example in different serializations extracted and no longer part of this specification EDITORIAL: Text updated, no kind column any longer in class tables, instead notation of ModelReference<{Referable}>. New table for Primitives/Data Types EDITORIAL: New clause "Introduction" EDITORIAL: New clause "Matching strategies for semantic identifiers" NEW: Environment NEW: supplemental Semantic IDs NEW: Qualifier/kind CHANGED: Renaming of IdentifierKeyValuePair used in AssetInformation to SpecificAssetId Bugfixes: bugfix annotation AnnotatedRelationship is of type aggr and not ref* (diagram was correct) bugfix specification of ValueList and ValueReferencePairType, no data types, normal classes bugfix table specifications w.r.t. kind of attribute (from aggr to attr – column kind was removed, see above) bugfix data type specification LangStringSet (no diagram and table any longer) bugfix enumeration ReferableElements, no ConceptDictionary any longer + new elements like new submodel elements SubmodelElementList added Entity/globalAssetId diagram (table was correct): Type change from reference of Reference to Reference (from Reference* to Reference) Table 21. Changes w/o Security nc V3.0RC02 Change w.r.t. V3.0RC01 Comment AdministrativeInformation Bugfix: Stereotype "DataType" added AnnotatedRelationship/annotation Type changed from ModelReference<DataElement> to DataElement x Asset Removed, asset referenced via globalAssetId only x AssetAdministrationShell/security Removed Note: Security is still part of the Asset Administration Shell, but the Asset Administration Shell and its elements are referenced from Security AssetAdministrationShell/view Removed, views no longer supported x AssetInformation/billOfMaterial Removed x AssetInformation/defaultThumbnail Type changed from File to Resource x AssetInformation/specificAssetId Type changed from IdentifierKeyValuePair to SpecificAssetId x BasicEvent Renamed to BasicEventElement x Constraint Abstract class removed. Formula now used in Security part only (x) DataTypeDef Split into DataTypeDefXsd and DataTypeDefRdf. Some types excluded and not supported (see notes in corresponding clause) Before: just string allowing all anySimpleTypes of xsd and langString of rdf Entity/globalAssetId Bugfix: Type change from reference of Reference to Reference (from Reference* to Reference) x Event Renamed to EventElement x Extension/refersTo Type changed from Reference to ModelReference<Referable> x File/mimeType Renamed to contentType + Type name changed from MimeType to ContentType x Formula Now abstract class now used in Security part only x Formula/dependsOn Removed since formula language not yet defined x Identifiable/identification Removed Substituted by Identifiable/id (x) IdentifiableElements Renamed to AasIdentifiables x Identifier Type changed Before struct class with two attributes: id and idType; now string data type only x IdentifierKeyValuePair Renamed to SpecificAssetId and change of attribute "key" to "name" IdentifierType Enumeration removed because no idType any longer x Key/idType removed (x) KeyElements Renamed to KeyTypes Note: the elements remain, except for new SubmodelElementList and renamed submodel elements Event and BasicEvent to EventElement and BasicEventElement KeyType Enumeration removed because no Key/idType any longer LocalKeyType Enumeration removed because no Key/idType any longer x MimeType Type name changed to ContentType Property/valueType Type changed from DataTypeDef to DataTypeDefXsd x Qualifiable/qualifier Type changed from Constraint to Qualifier Qualifier Does not inherit from abstract class "Constraint" any longer Qualifier/valueType Type changed from DataTypeDef to DataTypeDefXsd Range/valueType Type changed from DataTypeDef to DataTypeDefXsd Referable/idShort Now optional, was mandatory x ReferableElements Substituted with enumeration AasSubmodelElements and AasIdentifiables x ReferableElements/AccessPermissionRule Removed from enumeration, AccessPermissionRule is no longer referable Not part of new AasReferableNonIdentifiables x ReferableElement/BasicEvent Renamed to BasicEventElement Now part of AasSubmodelElements (x) ReferablesElements/ConceptDictionary Bugfix: ConceptDictionary removed from enumeration since ConceptDictionary no longer part of specification Not part of new KeyTypes x ReferableElements/Event Renamed to EventElement Now part of AasSubmodelElements RelationshipElement/first Type changes from model reference Referable to Reference (global or model reference) RelationshipElement/second Type changes from model reference Referable to Reference (global or model reference) ValueDataType Before as specified via DataTypeDef, now any xsd atomic type as specified via DataTypeDefXsd + Prefix xs: added to every value in list x ValueList/valueReferencePairType Bugfix: renamed to ValueList/valueReferencePairs x View removed Table 22. New Elements in Metamodel w/o Security nc V3.0RC02 vs. V2.0RC01 New Elements Comment AasSubmodelElements New enumeration used for References Before ReferableElements AasIdentifiables New enumeration used for References, includes abstract Identifiable Before: Identifiables AasReferableNonIdentifiables New enumeration used for References AasReferables New enumeration used for References, includes abstract Referable BasicEventElement Former name: BasicEvent BasicEventElement/direction BasicEventElement/lastUpdate BasicEventElement/messageBroker BasicEventElement/messageTopic BasicEventElement/minInterval BasicEventElement/maxInterval BasicEventElement/observed Former name: BasicEvent/observed BasicEventElement/state ContentType Former name: MimeType DataTypeDefRdf Enumeration for types of Rdf + prefix rdf: added to every value in enumeration DataTypeDefXsd Enumeration consisting of enumerations decimalBuildInTypes, durationBuildInTypes, PrimitiveTypes that correspond to anySimpleTypes of xsd. + prefix xs: added to every value in enumeration dateTimeStamp New data type for metamodel as used in EventPayload decimalBuildInTypes Enumeration for DataTypeDef Direction New enumeration for BasicEventElement durationBuildInTypes Enumeration for DataTypeDef Environment New class for entry point for Asset Administration Shells, submodels and concept descriptions EventElement Former name: Event EventPayload New class for event payload EventPayload/observableReference EventPayload/observableSemanticId EventPayload/payload EventPayload/source EventPayload/sourceSemanticId EventPayload/subjectId EventPayload/timestamp EventPayload/topic File/contentType Former name: mimeType FragmentKeys New enumeration used for References GenericFragmentKeys New enumeration used for References GenericGloballyIdentifiers New enumeration used for References GloballyIdentifiables New enumeration used for References HasSemantics/supplementalSemanticId New attribute Identifiable/id Substitute for Identifiable/identification KeyTypes Before: KeyElements New submodel element SubmodelElementList added, renamed submodel elements Event and BasicEvent to EventElement and BasicEventElement ModelReference New class inheriting from Reference x Reference/type New mandatory attribute of Reference Reference/referredSemanticId New optional attribute of Reference PrimitiveTypes Enumeration for DataTypeDefXsd Qualifier/kind New attribute for Qualifier QualifierKind New enumeration for Qualifier/kind Referable/checksum SpecificAssetId Before: IdentifierKeyValuePair, was renamed SpecificAssetId/name Before: IdentifierKeyValuePair/key, was renamed SpecificAssetId/value Before: IdentifierKeyValuePair/value SpecificAssetId/externalSubjectId Before: IdentifierKeyValuePair/externalSubjectId StateOfEvent New enumeration for BasicEventElement SubmodelElementElements Enumeration for submodel elements (split of ReferableElements into SubmodelElementElements and IdentifiableElements) SubmodelElementList Before SubmodelElementCollection was used for lists and structs SubmodelElementList/orderRelevant Similar to SubmodelElementCollection/ordered SubmodelElementList/value Similar to SubmodelElementCollection/value but ordered and with all elements having the same semanticId SubmodelElementList/semanticIdListElement Attribute for new class SubmodelElementList SubmodelElementList/typeValueListElement Attribute for new class SubmodelElementList SubmodelElementList/valueTypeListElement Attribute for new class SubmodelElementList Table 23. New, Changed or Removed Constraints w/o Security Nc V3.0RC02 vs. V3.0RC01 New, Update, Removed, Reformulated Comment [4] AASd-003 Update idShort is case-sensitive and not case-insensitive Constraint AASd-003: idShort of Referables shall be matched case-sensitive. AASd-005 Reformulated Constraint AASd-005: If AdministrativeInformation/version is not specified than also AdministrativeInformation/revision shall be unspecified. This means, a revision requires a version. if there is no version there is no revision neither. Revision is optional. AASd-008 Removed Constraint AASd-008: The submodel element value of an operation variable shall be of kind=Template. AASd-023 Removed No Asset any longer that can be referenced as alternative to global reference Constraint AASd-023: AssetInformation/globalAssetId either is a reference to an Asset object or a global reference. AASd-026 Removed SubmodelElementCollection was split into SubmodelElementList and SubmodelElementRecord. No attribute allowDuplicates any longer. Constraint AASd-026: If allowDuplicates==false then it is not allowed that the collection contains several elements with the same semantics (i.e. the same semanticId). x AASd-027 New Constraint AASd-027: idShort of Referables shall have a maximum length of 128 characters. AASd-050 Update Version information in data specification ID updated to /3/0/RC02. hasDataSpecification corrected to HasDataSpecification Constraint AASd-050: If the DataSpecificationContent DataSpecificationIEC61360 is used for an element then the value of HasDataSpecification/dataSpecification shall contain the global reference to the IRI of the corresponding data specification template (x) AASd-050b New Constraint AASd-050b: If the DataSpecificationContent DataSpecificationPhysicalUnit is used for an element then the value of HasDataSpecification/dataSpecification shall contain the global reference to the IRI of the corresponding data specification template AASd-052a Removed removed, still recommended; would be renamed to AASc if still needed Constraint AASd-052a: If the semanticId of a Property references a ConceptDescription then the ConceptDescription/category shall be one of following values: VALUE, PROPERTY. AASd-052b Removed removed, still recommended; would be renamed to AASc if still needed Constraint AASd-052b: If the semanticId of a MultiLanguageProperty references a ConceptDescription then the ConceptDescription/category shall be one of following values: PROPERTY. AASd-053 Removed removed, still recommended; would be renamed to AASc if still needed Constraint AASd-053: If the semanticId of a Range submodel element references a ConceptDescription then the ConceptDescription/category shall be one of following values: PROPERTY. AASd-054 Removed removed, still recommended; would be renamed to AASc if still needed Constraint AASd-054: If the semanticId of a ReferenceElement submodel element references a ConceptDescription then the ConceptDescription/category shall be one of following values: REFERENCE. AASd-055 Removed removed, still recommended; would be renamed to AASc if still needed Constraint AASd-055: If the semanticId of a RelationshipElement or an AnnotatedRelationshipElement submodel element references a ConceptDescription then the ConceptDescription/category shall be one of following values: RELATIONSHIP. AASd-056 Removed removed, still recommended; would be renamed to AASc if still needed Constraint AASd-056: If the semanticId of an Entity submodel element references a ConceptDescription then the ConceptDescription/category shall be one of following values: ENTITY. The ConceptDescription describes the elements assigned to the entity via Entity/statement. AASd-057 Removed removed, still recommended; would be renamed to AASc if still needed Constraint AASd-057: The semanticId of a File or Blob submodel element shall only reference a ConceptDescription with the category DOCUMENT. AASd-058 Removed removed, still recommended; would be renamed to AASc if still needed Constraint AASd-058: The semanticId of a Capability submodel element shall only reference a ConceptDescription with the category CAPABILITY. AASd-059 Removed removed, still recommended; would be renamed to AASc if still needed SubmodelElementCollection was split into SubmodelElementList and SubmodelElementCollection. AASd-092 and AASd-093 contain it. Constraint AASd-059: If the semanticId of a SubmodelElementCollection references a ConceptDescription then the category of the ConceptDescription shall be COLLECTION or ENTITY. AASd-060 Removed removed, still recommended; would be renamed to AASc if still needed Constraint AASd-060: If the semanticId of an Operation submodel element references a ConceptDescription then the category of the ConceptDescription shall be one of the following values: FUNCTION. AASd-061 Removed removed, still recommended; would be renamed to AASc if still needed Constraint AASd-061: If the semanticId of an Event submodel element references a ConceptDescription then the category of the ConceptDescription shall be one of the following values: EVENT. AASd-062 Removed removed, still recommended; would be renamed to AASc if still needed Constraint AASd-062: If the semanticId of a Property references a ConceptDescription then the ConceptDescription/category shall be one of following values: APPLICATION_CLASS. AASd-063 Removed removed, still recommended; would be renamed to AASc if still needed Constraint AASd-063: If the semanticId of a Qualifier references a ConceptDescription then the ConceptDescription/category shall be one of following values: QUALIFIER. AASd-064 Removed Removed because there are not VIEWs any longer Constraint AASd-064: If the semanticId of a View references a ConceptDescription then the category of the ConceptDescription shall be VIEW. AASd-065 Removed removed, still recommended; would be renamed to AASc if still needed Constraint AASd-065: If the semanticId of a Property or MultiLanguageProperty references a ConceptDescription with the category VALUE then the value of the property is identical to DataSpecificationIEC61360/value and the valueId of the property is identical to DataSpecificationIEC61360/valueId. AASd-066 Removed removed, still recommended; would be renamed to AASc if still needed Update because of renaming of ValueReferencePairType into ValueReferencePair Constraint AASd-066: If the semanticId of a Property or MultiLanguageProperty references a ConceptDescription with the category PROPERTY and DataSpecificationIEC61360/valueList is defined the value and valueId of the property is identical to one of the value reference pair types references in the value list, i.e. ValueReferencePair/value or ValueReferencePair/valueId, resp. AASd-067 Removed removed, still recommended; would be renamed to AASc if still needed Constraint AASd-067: If the semanticId of a MultiLanguageProperty references a ConceptDescription then DataSpecificationIEC61360/dataType shall be STRING_TRANSLATABLE. AASd-068 Removed removed, still recommended; would be renamed to AASc if still needed Constraint AASd-068: If the semanticId of a Range submodel element references a ConceptDescription then DataSpecificationIEC61360/dataType shall be a numerical one, i.e. REAL_* or RATIONAL_*. AASd-069 Removed removed, still recommended; would be renamed to AASc if still needed Constraint AASd-069: If the semanticId of a Range references a ConceptDescription then DataSpecificationIEC61360/levelType shall be identical to the set \{Min, Max}. (x) AASd-070 Renamed Now AASc-004. (x) AASd-071 Renamed Now AASc-005 (x) AASd-072 Renamed Now AASc-006. (x) AASd-073 Renamed Now AASc-007 (x) AASd-074 Renamed Now AASc-008 AASd-075 Removed Content now documented as separate constraints Constraint AASd-075: For all ConceptDescriptions using data specification template IEC61360 ( values for the attributes not being marked as mandatory or optional in tables depending on its category are ignored and handled as undefined. AASd-076 Removed Substituted by AASc-002. Simplified, no reference to concept description AASd-080 Removed No Key/type GlobalReference any longer {aasd080} AASd-081 Removed No Key/idType any longer {aasd081} AASd-090 Update Exception: File and Blob data elements removed. Reformulated. Constraint AASd-090: For data elements category (inherited by Referable) shall be one of the following values: CONSTANT, PARAMETER or VARIABLE. Default: VARIABLE AASd-092 Removed removed, still recommended; would be renamed to AASc and updated if still needed SubmodelElementCollection was split into SubmodelElementList and SubmodelElementCollection (here: SubmodelElementCollection) Constraint AASd-092: If the semanticId of a SubmodelElementCollection with SubmodelElementCollection/allowDuplicates == false references a ConceptDescription then the ConceptDescription/category shall be ENTITY. AASd-093 Removed removed, still recommended; would be renamed to AASc and updated if still needed SubmodelElementCollection was split into SubmodelElementList and SubmodelElementStruct (here: SubmodelElementList) Constraint AASd-093: If the semanticId of a SubmodelElementCollection with SubmodelElementCollection/allowDuplicates == true references a ConceptDescription then the ConceptDescription/category shall be COLLECTION. AASd-107 New Constraint AASd-107: If a first level child element in a SubmodelElementList has a semanticId it shall be identical to SubmodelElementList/semanticIdListElement. AASd-108 New Constraint AASd-108: All first level child elements in a SubmodelElementList shall have the same submodel element type as specified in SubmodelElementList/typeValueListElement. AASd-109 New Constraint AASd-109: If SubmodelElementList/typeValueListElement equal to Property or Range SubmodelElementList/valueTypeListElement shall be set and all first level child elements in the SubmodelElementList shall have the value type as specified in SubmodelElementList/valueTypeListElement. AASd-114 New Constraint AASd-114: If two first level child elements in a SubmodelElementList have a semanticId then they shall be identical. AASd-115 New Constraint AASd-115: If a first level child element in a SubmodelElementList does not specify a semanticId then the value is assumed to be identical to SubmodelElementList/semanticIdListElement. AASd-116 New Constraint AASd-116: "globalAssetId" (case-insensitive) is a reserved key. If used as value for SpecificAssetId/name IdentifierKeyValuePair/value shall be identical to AssetInformation/globalAssetId. AASd-117 New Needed because Referable/idShort now optional Constraint AASd-117: idShort of non-identifiable Referables not equal to SubmodelElementList shall be specified (i.e. idShort is mandatory for all Referables except for SubmodelElementLists and all Identifiables). AASd-118 New Constraint AASd-118: If there is a supplemental semantic ID (HasSemantics/supplementalSemanticId) defined then there shall be also a main semantic ID (HasSemantics/semanticId). AASd-119 New New Qualifier/kind attribute Constraint AASd-119: If any Qualifier/kind value of a Qualifiable/qualifier is equal to TemplateQualifier and the qualified element inherits from "hasKind" then the qualified element shall be of kind Template (HasKind/kind = "Template"). AASd-120 New For new submodel element SubmodelElementList Constraint AASD-120: idShort of submodel elements within a SubmodelElementList shall not be specified. AASd-121 New Constraint AASd-121: For References the type of the first key of Reference/keys shall be one of GloballyIdentifiables. AASd-122 New Constraint AASd-122: For global references, i.e. References with Reference/type = GlobalReference, the type of the first key of Reference/keys shall be one of GenericGloballyIdentifiables. AASd-123 New Constraint AASd-123: For model references, i.e. References with Reference/type = ModelReference, the type of the first key of Reference/keys shall be one of AasIdentifiables. AASd-124 New Constraint AASd-124: For global references, i.e. References with Reference/type = GlobalReference, the last key of Reference/keys shall be either one of GenericGloballyIdentifiables or one of GenericFragmentKeys. AASd-125 New Constraint AASd-125: For model references, i.e. References with Reference/type = ModelReference, with more than one key in Reference/keys the type of the keys following the first key of Reference/keys shall be one of FragmentKeys. AASd-126 New Constraint AASd-126: For model references, i.e. References with Reference/type = ModelReference, with more than one key in Reference/keys the type of the last Key in the reference key chain may be one of GenericFragmentKeys or no key at all shall have a value out of GenericFragmentKey. AASd-127 New Constraint AASd-127: For model references, i.e. References with Reference/type = ModelReference, with more than one key in Reference/keys a key with type FragmentReference shall be preceded by a key with type File or Blob. All other AAS fragments, i.e. type values out of AasSubmodelElements, do not support fragments. AAS-128 New Constraint AASd-128: For model references, i.e. References with Reference/type = ModelReference, the Key/value of a Key preceded by a Key with Key/type=SubmodelElementList is an integer number denoting the position in the array of the submodel element list. Metamodel Changes V3.0RC02 vs. V3.0RC01 – Data Specification IEC61360 Table 24. Changes w.r.t. Data Specification IEC61360 nc V3.0RC02 Change w.r.t. V3.0RC01 Comment DataSpecification Stereotype <<Template>> added + does not inherit from Identifiable any longer because Data Specification are handled differently Some attributes are added to DataSpecification as new attributes like id, administration and description DataSpecification/category Removed, was inherited before by Identifiable DataSpecification/displayName Removed, was inherited before by Identifiable DataSpecification/idShort Removed, was inherited before by Identifiable DataSpecificationIEC61360/unitId Type changes from Reference to GlobalReference x DataSpecificationIEC61360/value Type changed from ValueDataType to string DataSpecificationIEC61360/valueId Removed, the valueId is identical to the ID of the concept description DataSpecificationContent Stereotype <<Template>> added x DataTypeIEC61360 Some new values were added: BLOB, FILE, HTML, IRDI; URL renamed to IRI See separate entries for individual changes x DataTypeIEC61360/URL Renamed to IRI ValueList/valueReferencePairs Bugfix, was ValueList/valueReferencePairTypes before x ValueReferencePair/value Type changed from ValueDataType to string Table 25. New Elements in Metamodel DataSpecification IEC61360 nc V3.0RC02 Comment x ValueReferencePair/valueId Type changed from Reference to GlobalReference DataSpecification/administration Was inherited before by Identifiable DataSpecification/id Was inherited before by Identifiable DataSpecification/description Was inherited before by Identifiable DataTypeIEC61360/BLOB New value DataTypeIEC61360/FILE New value DataTypeIEC61360/HTML New value DataTypeIEC61360/IRDI New value DataTypeIEC61360/IRI Converted Iri to CamelCase and renamed to Iri from URL Table 26. New, Changed or Removed Constraints Data Specification IEC61360 nc V3.0RC02 New, Update, Removed, Reformulated Comment AASc-002 New Updated version of AASd-076, renamed to AASC-002 because applicable to data specification IEC61360 Constraint AASc-002: Data¬Specification¬IEC61360-/preferredName shall be provided at least in English (x) AASc-003 New Constraint AASc-003: For a ConceptDescription with category VALUE using data specification template IEC61360 ( DataSpecificationIEC61360/value shall be set. (x) AASc-004 New Constraint AASc-004: For a ConceptDescription with category PROPERTY or VALUE using data specification template IEC61360 ( - DataSpecificationIEC61360/dataType is mandatory and shall be defined. (x) AASc-005 New Constraint AASc-005: For a ConceptDescription with category REFERENCE using data specification template IEC61360 ( - DataSpecificationIEC61360/dataType is STRING by default. (x) AASc-006 New Constraint AASc-006: For a ConceptDescription with category DOCUMENT using data specification template IEC61360 ( - DataSpecificationIEC61360/dataType shall be one of the following values: STRING or URL. (x) AASc-007 New Constraint AASc-007: For a ConceptDescription with category QUALIFIER_TYPE using data specification template IEC61360 ( - DataSpecificationIEC61360/dataType is mandatory and shall be defined. (x) AASc-008 New Constraint AASc-008: For a ConceptDescriptions except for a ConceptDescription of category VALUE using data specification template IEC61360 ( - DataSpecificationIEC61360/definition is mandatory and shall be defined at least in English. (x) AASc-009 New Constraint AASc-009: If DataSpecificationIEC61360/dataType one of: INTEGER_MEASURE, REAL_MEASURE, RATIONAL_MEASURE, INTEGER_CURRENCY, REAL_CURRENCY, then DataSpecificationIEC61360/unit or DataSpecificationIEC61360/unitId shall be defined. (x) AASc-010 New Constraint AASc-010: If DataSpecificationIEC61360/value is not empty then DataSpecificationIEC61360/valueList shall be empty and vice versa Metamodel Changes V3.0RC02 vs. V3.0RC01 – Security Part Changes: Removed, because deprecated: policy decision point, policy enforcement point, and policy information points are not part of information model but of server infrastructure hosting the Asset Administration Shells Removed: Certificate Handling not part of information model but of server infrastructure hosting the Asset Administration Shells Table 27. Changes w.r.t. Security nc V3.0RC02 Change w.r.t. V3.0RC01 Comment x AccessControlPolicyPoints/policyAdministrationPoint Type changed from PolicyAdministrationPoint to AccessControl x AccessControlPolicyPoints/policyDecisionPoint Removed x AccessControlPolicyPoints/policyEnforcementPoint Removed x AccessControlPolicyPoints/policyInformationPoint Removed x AccessPermissionRule No longer inherits from referable No longer inherits from qualifiable x BlobCertificate Removed x Certificate Removed x Formula Now abstract class, only used in security part (no longer used in Qualifiables) x Formula/dependsOn Removed attribute x PolicyAdministrationPoint Removed x policyDecisionPoint Removed x policyEnforcementPoint Removed x policyInformationPoints Removed x Security/certificate Removed x Security/requiredCertificateExtension Removed Table 28. New Elements in Metamodel Security nc V3.0RC02 vs. V3.0RC01 Comment AccessPermissionRule/constraint Substitute for inherited attributes from Qualifiable Table 29. New, Changed or Removed Constraints Security nc V3.0RC02 vs. V3.0RC01 New, Update, Removed, Reformulated Comment AASs-009 Removed Removed since class PolicyAdministrationPoint was removed Constraint AASs-009: Either there is an external policy administration point endpoint defined (PolicyAdministrationPoint/externalPolicyDecisionPoints=true) or the AAS has its own access control AASs-015 Updated Constraint AASs-015: Every data element in SubjectAttributes/subjectAttributes shall be part of the submodel that is referenced within the "selectableSubjectAttributes" attribute of "AccessControl". Changes V3.0RC01 vs. V2.0.1 Metamodel Changes V3.0RC01 w/o Security Part Major changes: idShort of Submodels etc. no longer need to be unique in the context of an Asset Administration Shell Constraints implicitly contained in text were formalized and numbered Revised concept on handling of Asset and assetIdentificationModel (assetInformation) ConceptDictionaries not supported any longer semanticId no longer mandatory for SubmodelElement More than one bill of material for assetInformation in Asset Administration Shell Local attribute in References removed Parent attribute in Referables removed Abstract class HasExtension introduced AASX file exchange format:no splitting of an Asset Administration Shell allowed any longer (i.e. relationship type aas-spec-split removed) Table 30. Changes w.r.t. V2.0 w/o Security nc V3.0RC01 Change w.r.t. V2.0.1 Comment anySimpleTypeDef Type removed, was not used in any class definition any longer, was mentioned in text only x AssetAdministrationShell/asset Removed, substituted by AssetAdministrationShell/assetInformation (no reference any longer, instead now aggregation) x Asset/assetKind Attribute "assetKind" moved to AssetAdministrationShell/AssetInformation x Asset/assetIdentificationModel Attribute "assetIdentificationModel" removed, substituted by AssetInformation /IdentifierKeyValuePairs x Asset/billOfMaterial Attribute "billOfMaterial" moved to AssetAdministrationShell/AssetInformation x AssetAdministrationShell/conceptDictionaries Removed ConceptDescription/isCaseOf Text changed, no global reference requested, just reference x ConceptDictionary Removed x Entity/asset Removed, substituted by Entity/globalAssetId and Entity/specificAssetId x Key/local Local attribute removed x Referable/parent Parent attribute removed Table 31. New Elements in Metamodel V3.0RC01 w/o Security nc V3.0RC01 vs. V2.0.1 Comment x AssetAdministrationShell/assetInformation Substitute for AssetAdministrationShell/asset (no reference any longer, instead aggregation) AssetInformation with attributes/functionality from former class Asset because not specific to Asset but AAS AssetInformation/thumbnail Optional Attribute of new class AssetInformation that was not available in Asset class before x Entity/globalAssetId Substitute for Entity/asset (together with Entity/specificAssetId) x Entity/specificAssetId Substitute for Entity/asset (together with Entity/globalAssetId) Extension New class, part of new abstract class HasExtensions HasExtensions New abstract class, inherited by Referable IdentifierKeyValuePair New class for AssetInformation/specificAssetId Referable/displayName New optional attribute for all referables Table 32. New, Changed or Removed Constraints w/o Security nc V3.0RC01 New, Update, Removed, Reformulated Comment AASd-001 Removed Constraint AASd-001: In case of a referable element not being an identifiable element this id is mandatory and used for referring to the element in its name space. For namespace part see AASd-022 x AASd-002 Update reformulated, formula added idShort of Referables shall only feature letters, digits, underscore (""); starting mandatory with a letter. I.e. [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+ AASd-010 Reformulated Constraint AASd-010: The property has the category "CONSTANT". Reformulated to Constraint AASd-010: The property referenced in Permission/permission shall have the category "CONSTANT". AASd-011 Reformulated Constraint AASd-011: The property referenced in Permission/permission shall be part of the submodel that is referenced within the "selectablePermissions" attribute of "AccessControl". AASd-012 Reformulated Constraint AASd-012: If both the MultiLanguageProperty/value and the MultiLanguageProperty/valueId are present then for each string in a specific language the meaning must be the same as specified in MultiLanguageProperty/valueId AASd-014 Reformulated Entity was changed Constraint AASd-014: Either the attribute globalAssetId or specificAssetId of an Entity must be set if Entity/entityType is set to "SelfManagedEntity". They are not existing otherwise. (x) AASd-020 New Constraint AASd-020: The value of Property/value shall be consistent to the data type as defined in Property/valueType. (x) AASd-021 New Constraint AASd-021: Every qualifiable can only have one qualifier with the same Qualifier/type. (x) AASd-022 New Part from AASd-001 after split Constraint AASd-022: idShort of non-identifiable referables shall be unique in its namespace. (x) AASd-026 New Constraint AASd-026: If allowDuplicates==false then it is not allowed that the collection contains several elements with the same semantics (i.e. the same semanticId). (x) AASd-050 New Constraint AASd-050: If the DataSpecificationContent DataSpecificationIEC61360 is used for an element then the value of hasDataSpecification/dataSpecification shall contain the global reference to the IRI of the corresponding data specification template (x) AASd-051 New Constraint AASd-051: A ConceptDescription shall have one of the following categories: VALUE, PROPERTY, REFERENCE, DOCUMENT, CAPABILITY, RELATIONSHIP, COLLECTION, FUNCTION, EVENT, ENTITY, APPLICATION_CLASS, QUALIFIER, VIEW. Default: PROPERTY. (x) AASd-052a New Constraint AASd-052a: If the semanticId of a Property references a ConceptDescription then the ConceptDescription/category shall be one of following values: VALUE, PROPERTY. (x) AASd-052b New Constraint AASd-052b: If the semanticId of a MultiLanguageProperty references a ConceptDescription then the ConceptDescription/category shall be one of following values: PROPERTY. (x) AASd-053 New Constraint AASd-053: If the semanticId of a Range submodel element references a ConceptDescription then the ConceptDescription/category shall be one of following values: PROPERTY. (x) AASd-054 New Constraint AASd-054: If the semanticId of a ReferenceElement submodel element references a ConceptDescription then the ConceptDescription/category shall be one of following values: REFERENCE. (x) AASd-055 New Constraint AASd-055: If the semanticId of a RelationshipElement or an AnnotatedRelationshipElement submodel element references a ConceptDescription then the ConceptDescription/category shall be one of following values: RELATIONSHIP. (x) AASd-056 New Constraint AASd-056: If the semanticId of an Entity submodel element references a ConceptDescription then the ConceptDescription/category shall be one of following values: ENTITY. The ConceptDescription describes the elements assigned to the entity via Entity/statement. (x) AASd-057 New Constraint AASd-057: The semanticId of a File or Blob submodel element shall only reference a ConceptDescription with the category DOCUMENT. (x) AASd-058 New Constraint AASd-058: The semanticId of a Capability submodel element shall only reference a ConceptDescription with the category CAPABILITY. (x) AASd-059 New Constraint AASd-059: The semanticId of a SubmodelElementCollection submodel element shall only reference a ConceptDescription with the category COLLECTION or ENTITY. (x) AASd-060 New Constraint AASd-060: If the semanticId of an Operation submodel element references a ConceptDescription then the category of the ConceptDescription shall be one of the following values: FUNCTION. (x) AASd-061 New Constraint AASd-061: If the semanticId of an Event submodel element references a ConceptDescription then the category of the ConceptDescription shall be one of the following values: EVENT. (x) AASd-062 New Constraint AASd-062: If the semanticId of a Property references a ConceptDescription then the ConceptDescription/category shall be one of following values: APPLICATION_CLASS. (x) AASd-063 New Constraint AASd-063: If the semanticId of a Qualifier references a ConceptDescription then the ConceptDescription/category shall be one of following values: QUALIFIER. (x) AASd-064 New Constraint AASd-064: If the semanticId of a View references a ConceptDescription then the category of the ConceptDescription shall be VIEW. (x) AASd-065 New Constraint AASd-065: If the semanticId of a Property or MultiLanguageProperty references a ConceptDescription with the category VALUE then the value of the property is identical to DataSpecificationIEC61360/value and the valueId of the property is identical to DataSpecificationIEC61360/valueId. (x) AASd-066 New Constraint AASd-066: If the semanticId of a Property or MultiLanguageProperty references a ConceptDescription with the category PROPERTY and DataSpecificationIEC61360/valueList is defined the value and valueId of the property is identical to one of the value reference pair types references in the value list, i.e. ValueReferencePair/value or ValueReferencePair/valueId, resp. (x) AASd-067 New Constraint AASd-067: If the semanticId of a MultiLanguageProperty references a ConceptDescription then DataSpecificationIEC61360/dataType shall be STRING_TRANSLATABLE. (x) AASd-068 New Constraint AASd-068: If the semanticId of a Range submodel element references a ConceptDescription then DataSpecificationIEC61360/dataType shall be a numerical one, i.e. REAL_* or RATIONAL_*. (x) AASd-069 New Constraint AASd-069: If the semanticId of a Range references a ConceptDescription then DataSpecificationIEC61360/levelType shall be identical to the set \{Min, Max}. (x) AASd-070 New Constraint AASd-070: For a ConceptDescription with category PROPERTY or VALUE using data specification template IEC61360 ( - DataSpecificationIEC61360/dataType is mandatory and shall be defined. (x) AASd-071 New Constraint AASd-071: For a ConceptDescription with category REFERENCE using data specification template IEC61360 ( - DataSpecificationIEC61360/dataType is STRING by default. (x) AASd-072 New Constraint AASd-072: For a ConceptDescription with category DOCUMENT using data specification template IEC61360 ( - DataSpecificationIEC61360/dataType shall be one of the following values: STRING or URL. (x) AASd-073 New Constraint AASd-073: For a ConceptDescription with category QUALIFIER using data specification template IEC61360 ( - DataSpecificationIEC61360/dataType is mandatory and shall be defined. (x) AASd-074 New Constraint AASd-074: For all ConceptDescriptions except for ConceptDescriptions of category VALUE using data specification template IEC61360 ( - DataSpecificationIEC61360/definition is mandatory and shall be defined at least in English. (x) AASd-075 New Constraint AASd-075: For all ConceptDescriptions using data specification template IEC61360 ( values for the attributes not being marked as mandatory or optional in tables Table 6, Table 7, Table 8 and Table 9.depending on its category are ignored and handled as undefined. AASd-077 New Constraint AASd-077: The name of an extension within HasExtensions needs to be unique. (x) AASd-080 New Constraint AASd-080: In case Key/type == GlobalReference idType shall not be any LocalKeyType (IdShort, FragmentId). AASd-081 New Constraint AASd-081: In case Key/type==AssetAdministrationShell Key/idType shall not be any LocalKeyType (IdShort, FragmentId). (x) AASd-092 New Constraint AASd-092: If the semanticId of a SubmodelElementCollection with SubmodelElementCollection/allowDuplicates == false references a ConceptDescription then the ConceptDescription/category shall be ENTITY. (x) AASd-093 New Constraint AASd-093: If the semanticId of a SubmodelElementCollection with SubmodelElementCollection/allowDuplicates == true references a ConceptDescription then the ConceptDescription/category shall be COLLECTION. AASd-100 New Constraint AASd-100: An attribute with data type "string" is not allowed to be empty. Metamodel Changes V3.0RC01 – Security Part Major changes: Constraints for security part renamed from pattern AASd- to AASs-. Only bugfixes Table 33. New, Changed or Removed Constraints Security nc V3.0RC01 New, Update, Removed, Reformulated Comment AASd-010 Removed Renamed to AASs-010 (see NEW) AASs-010 NEW Reformulation of AASd-010 Constraint AASs-010: The property referenced in Permission/permission shall have the category "CONSTANT". AASd-011 Removed Renamed to AASs-011 (see NEW) AASs-011 NEW Reformulation of AASd-011 Constraint AASs-011: The property referenced in Permission/permission shall be part of the submodel that is referenced within the "selectablePermissions" attribute of "AccessControl". AASd-015 Removed Renamed to AASs-015 (see NEW) AASs-015 NEW Constraint AASd-015: The data element SubjectAttributes/subjectAttribute shall be part of the submodel that is referenced within the "selectableSubjectAttributes" attribute of "AccessControl". Changes V2.0.1 vs. V2.0 Metamodel Changes V2.0.1 w/o Security Part Major changes: Only bugfixes Table 34. Changes w.r.t. V2.0.1 w/o Security nc V2.0.1 Change w.r.t. V2.0 Comment DataTypeIEC61360/INTEGER_COUNT Bugfix, was missing DataTypeIEC61360/INTEGER_MEASURE Bugfix, was missing DataTypeIEC61360/INTEGER_CURRENCY Bugfix, was missing hasDataSpecification Bugfix, is abstract class – was mixed up with DataSpecification class that is not abstract DataSpecification Bugfix, is not abstract AnnotatedRelationshipElement/annotation Bugfix, Annotation ist not a reference to Data Elements Table 35. New, Changed or Removed Constraints w/o Security nc V2.0.1 New, Update, Removed Comment AASd-001 update idShort now mandatory Constraint AASd-001: an identifiable element this id is mandatory and used for referring to the element in its name space. Constraint AASd-001: In case of a referable element not being an identifiable element this ID is used for referring to the element in its name space. AASd-013 Removed Constraint AASd-013: In case of a range with kind=Instance either the min or the max value or both need to be defined. Changes V2.0 vs. V1.0 Metamodel Changes V2.0 w/o Security Part Major changes: Composite I4.0 Components supported via new Entity submodel element and billOfMaterial Event submodel element introduced Capability submodel element introduced Annotatable relationship submodel element introduced MultiLanguageProperty submodel element introduced Range submodel element introduced Data Specification Template IEC61360 extended for Values, ValueLists and Ranges Referencing of fragments within a file etc. now also supported Table 36. Changes w.r.t. V1.0 w/o Security nc V2.0 Change w.r.t. V1.0 Comment (x) [5] anySimpleTypeDef Type now starts with capital letter: AnySimpleTypeDef Type changed from string to values representing xsd-type anySimpleType Asset Does not inherit from HasKind any longer (but attribute kind remains) Asset/kind Now of type "AssetKind" instead of "Kind". Instead of value Type and Instance now value Template and Instance AssetAdministrationShell/security Now optional to support passive AAS of type 1 Code Data type removed, no longer used x DataSpecificationIEC61360/shortName Type changed from string to LangStringSet Cardinality changed from mandatory to optional x DataSpecificationIEC61360/sourceOfDefinition Type changed from langString to string (x)[6] DataSpecificationIEC61360/dataType Type changed from string to Enumeration Cardinality changed from mandatory to optional x DataSpecificationIEC61360/code Attribute code removed DataSpecificationIEC61360/definition Cardinality changed from mandatory to optional HasDataSpecification Was abstract before HasDataSpecification/hasDataSpecification Renamed to HasDataSpecification/dataSpecification x HasKind/kind Now of type "ModellingKind" instead of "Kind". Values changed: Type now Template; Instance remains x File/value File name not without but with extension x Identifiable/description Type changed from langString to LangStringSet x IdentifierType/URI URI renamed to IRI Kind Type Kind removed and substituted by types AssetKind and ModellingKind x OperationVariable No longer inherits from SubmodelElement Property/value Type changed from anySimpleTypeDef to ValueDataType x Qualifier/qualifierType Renamed to Qualifier/type x Qualifier/qualifierValue Renamed to Qualifier/value Type changed from AnySimpleTypeDef to ValueDataType x Qualifier/qualifierValueId Renamed to Qualifier/valueId x Referable/idShort Now mandatory, was optional (but with constraints for defined elements) x Reference/key Cardinality changed from 0..* to 1..* Table 37. New Elements in Metamodel V1.0 w/o Security V2.0 Comment AnnotatedRelationshipElement New submodel element, inheriting from RelationshipElement Asset/billOfMaterial New attribute AssetKind New enumeration type BasicEvent New submodel element, inherits from Event Capability New submodel element DataSpecificationIEC61360/valueList For value lists (string) DataSpecificationIEC61360/value For coded and explicit values DataSpecificationIEC61360/valueId For coded values DataSpecificationIEC61360/levelType For Ranges DataSpecificationPhysicalUnit New data specification template DataTypeIEC61360 New enumeration type Entity New submodel Element EntityType New enumeration type IdentifierType Is a subset of KeyType Enumeration KeyElements/FragmentReference New value FragmentReference as part of KeyElements Enumeration LocalKeyType Is a subset of KeyType Enumeration LocalKeyType/FragmentId New value for KeyType Enumeration (via subset LocalKeyType) LangStringSet New type, used for example in MultiLanguageProperty LevelType New enumeration type ModellingKind New enumeration type MultiLanguageProperty New submodel element Qualifier/valueType New attribute to be consistent with valueType of Property etc. Range New submodel element ReferableElements/BasicEvent New enumeration value ReferableElements/Capability New enumeration value ReferableElements/Event New enumeration value ReferableElements/MultiLanguageProperty New enumeration value ReferableElements/Range New enumeration value ValueDataType New type, used for example for Property value ValueList New class ValueReferencePairType New class Table 38. New, Changed or Removed Constraints w/o Security nc V2.0 New, Update, Removed Comment AASd-007 update Reformulated Constraint AASd-007: if both, the value and the valueId are present then the value needs to be identical to the value of the referenced coded value in valueId. AASd-008 update Reformulated Constraint AASd-008: The submodel element value of an operation variable shall be of kind=Template. AASd-025 removed Redundant to AASd-015 Constraint AASd-025: The data element shall be part of the submodel that is referenced within the "selectableSubjectAttributes" attribute of "AccessControl". Metamodel Changes V2.0 – Security Part Table 39. Changes Metamodel w.r.t. V1.0 Security nc V2.0 Change w.r.t. V1.0 Comment x AccessControl/selectableEnvironmentAttributes Type changed from Submodel to Submodel* AccessPermissionRule/permissionsPerObject Cardinality now consistent for figure and table: 0..* x AccessPermissionRule/targetSubjectAttributes Cardinality changed from 1..* to 1 Certificate Was abstract, now not abstract and contains attributes (see in table New) x PermissionKind/allow Now PermissionKind/Allow starts with capital letter for enumeration values x PermissionKind/deny Now PermissionKind/Deny starts with capital letter for enumeration values x PermissionKind/not applicable Now PermissionKind/NotApplicable starts with capital letter for enumeration values x PermissionKind/Undefined Now PermissionKind/Undefined starts with capital letter for enumeration values PermissionsPerObject Name now consistent in figure and table (in table PermissionPerObject, needs to be PermissionsPerObject) x PolicyAdministrationPoint/externalAccessControl Type changed from Endpoint to Boolean, cardinality 1 x PolicyInformationPoints/externalInformationPoint Type changed from Endpoint to Boolean, cardinality 1 externalInformationPoint renamed to externalInformationPoints x Security/trustAnchor Renamed to Security/certificate Table 40. New Elements in Metamodel w.r.t. Security V2.0 Comment BlobCertificate New class inheriting from Certificate Certificate Abstract class: was foreseen in V1.0 but not yet modelled Security/requiredCertificateExtension New attribute PolicyEnforcementPoint Was foreseen in V1.0 but not yet modelled PolicyEnforcementPoint/externalPolicyEnforcementPoint PolicyDecisionPoint Was foreseen in V1.0 but not yet modelled PolicyDecisionPoint/externalPolicyDecisionPoint 1. Derived Schemata used Base64Binary and not hexBinary, therefore this change is considered to be backward compatible for most applications. 2. Since HasKind/kind had the default Instance, this change has no impact if the attribute was omitted for submodel instances. 3. Every model valid for V3.0RC02 is still valid in V3.0RC01, however there might be implementations that need to be changed if they assumed that the user can type case-insensitive names and get all elements that match the name in a case-insensitive way. 4. Every model valid for V3.0RC02 is still valid in V3.0RC01, however there might be implementations that need to be changed if they assumed that the user can type case-insensitive names and get all elements that match the name in a case-insensitive way. 5. There was an implicit constraint restricting the values to the values in the enumeration. This is now formalized. 6. There was an implicit constraint that only IEC61360 data types are allowed to be used. This is now formalized.