Overview Constraints (non-normative) This annex gives an overview of the constraints contained in this document. No additional comments are added, for details please refer to the normative parts of the specification. For handling of constraints see Handling of Constraints. Constraint AASd-002: idShort of Referables shall only feature letters, digits, hyphen ("-") and underscore ("_"); starting mandatory with a letter, and not ending with a hyphen, i.e. ^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$. Constraint AASd-005: If AdministrativeInformation/version is not specified, AdministrativeInformation/revision shall also be unspecified. This means that a revision requires a version. If there is no version, there is no revision. Revision is optional. Constraint AASd-006: If both, the value and the valueId of a Qualifier are present, the value shall be identical to the value of the referenced coded value in Qualifier/valueId. Constraint AASd-007: If both the Property/value and the Property/valueId are present, the value of Property/value shall be identical to the value of the referenced coded value in Property/valueId. Constraint AASd-012: If both the MultiLanguageProperty/value and the MultiLanguageProperty/valueId are present, the meaning must be the same for each string in a specific language, as specified in MultiLanguageProperty/valueId. Constraint AASd-014: Either the attribute globalAssetId or specificAssetId of an Entity must be set if Entity/entityType is set to "SelfManagedEntity". Constraint AASd-020: The value of Qualifier/value shall be consistent with the data type as defined in Qualifier/valueType. Constraint AASd-021: Every qualifiable shall only have one qualifier with the same Qualifier/valueType. Constraint AASd-022: idShort of non-identifiable referables within the same name space shall be unique (case-sensitive). Constraint AASd-077: The name of an extension (Extension/name) within HasExtensions shall be unique. Constraint AASd-107: If a first level child element in a SubmodelElementList has a semanticId, it shall be identical to SubmodelElementList/semanticIdListElement. Constraint AASd-108: All first level child elements in a SubmodelElementList shall have the same submodel element type as specified in SubmodelElementList/typeValueListElement. Constraint AASd-109: If SubmodelElementList/typeValueListElement is equal to AasSubmodelElements/Property or AasSubmodelElements/Range, SubmodelElementList/valueTypeListElement shall be set and all first level child elements in the SubmodelElementList shall have the value type as specified in SubmodelElementList/typeValueListElement. Constraint AASd-114: If two first level child elements in a SubmodelElementList have a semanticId, they shall be identical. Constraint AASd-115: If a first level child element in a SubmodelElementList does not specify a semanticId, the value is assumed to be identical to SubmodelElementList/semanticIdListElement. Constraint AASd-116: "globalAssetId" (case-insensitive) is a reserved key for SpecificAssetId/name with the semantics as defined in https://admin-shell.io/aas/3/1/AssetInformation/globalAssetId. Constraint AASd-117: idShort of non-identifiable Referables not being a direct child of a SubmodelElementList shall be specified. Constraint AASd-118: If a supplemental semantic ID (HasSemantics/supplementalSemanticId) is defined, there shall also be a main semantic ID (HasSemantics/semanticId). pass:q[[underline]#Constraint AASd-119:# If any Qualifier/kind value of a Qualifiable/qualifier is equal to TemplateQualifier and the qualified element inherits from HasKind, the qualified element shall be of kind _Template_ (_HasKind/kind = "Template"_) Constraint AASd-121: For References, the value of Key/type of the first key of Reference/keys shall be one of GloballyIdentifiables. Constraint AASd-122: For external references, i.e. References with Reference/type = ExternalReference, the value of Key/type of the first key of Reference/keys shall be one of GenericGloballyIdentifiables. Constraint AASd-123: For model references, i.e. References with Reference/type = ModelReference, the value of Key/type of the first key of Reference/keys shall be one of AasIdentifiables. Constraint AASd-124: For external references, i.e. References with Reference/type = ExternalReference, the last key of Reference/keys shall be either one of GenericGloballyIdentifiables or one of GenericFragmentKeys. Constraint AASd-125: For model references, i.e. References with Reference/type = ModelReference with more than one key in Reference/keys, the value of Key/type of each of the keys following the first key of Reference/keys shall be one of FragmentKeys. Constraint AASd-126: For model references, i.e. References with Reference/type = ModelReference with more than one key in Reference/keys, the value of Key/type of the last Key in the reference key chain may be one of GenericFragmentKeys or no key at all shall have a value out of GenericFragmentKeys. Constraint AASd-127: For model references, i.e. References with Reference/type = ModelReference with more than one key in Reference/keys, a key with Key/type FragmentReference shall be preceded by a key with Key/type File or Blob. All other Asset Administration Shell fragments, i.e. Key/type values out of AasSubmodelElements , do not support fragments. Constraint AASd-128: For model references, i.e. References with Reference/type = ModelReference, the Key/value of a Key preceded by a Key with Key/type = SubmodelElementList is an integer number denoting the position in the array of the submodel element list. Constraint AASd-129: If any Qualifier/kind value of a SubmodelElement/qualifier (attribute qualifier inherited via Qualifiable) is equal to TemplateQualifier, the submodel element shall be part of a submodel template, i.e. a Submodel with Submodel/kind (attribute kind inherited via HasKind) value equal to Template. Constraint AASd-130: An attribute with data type "string" shall be restricted to the characters as defined in XML Schema 1.0, i.e. the string shall consist of these characters only: ^[\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFD\u00010000-\u0010FFFF]*$. Constraint AASd-131: The globalAssetId or at least one specificAssetId shall be defined for AssetInformation. Constraint AASd-133: SpecificAssetId/externalSubjectId shall be a global reference, i.e. Reference/type = ExternalReference. Constraint AASd-134: For an Operation, the idShort of all inputVariable/value, outputVariable/value, and inoutputVariable/value shall be unique.