Primitive and Simple Data Types Predefined Simple Data Types The metamodel of the Asset Administration Shell uses some of the predefined simple data types of the XML Schema Definition (XSD) as its basic data types. See Table 1 for an overview of the used types. Their definition is outside the scope of this document. The meaning and format of xsd types is specified in XML Schema 1.0 ( The simple type "langString" is specified in the Resource Description Framework (RDF) [1]. See Clause Constraints for Types for constraints on types. Table 1. Simple Data Types Used in Metamodel Source Basic Data Type Value Range Sample Values xsd string Character string (but not all Unicode character strings) "Hello world", "Καλημέρα κόσμε", "ハローワールド"" xsd base64Binary base64-encoded binary data "a3Vtb3dhc2hlcmU=" xsd boolean true, false true, false xsd dateTime Date and time with or without time zone "2000-01-01T14:23:00", "2000-01-01T14:23:00.66372+14:00"[2] xsd duration Duration of time "-P1Y2M3DT1H", "PT1H5M0S" rdf langString Strings with language tags "Hello"@en, "Hallo"@de Note: this is written in RDF/Turtle syntax, only "Hello" and "Hallo" are the actual values. Primitive Data Types Table 2 lists the Primitives used in the metamodel. Primitive data types start with a capital letter. Note: see Clause Constraints for Types for constraints on types. Table 2. Primitive Data Types Used in Metamodel Primitive ID Definition Value Examples BlobType base64binary to represent file content (binaries and non-binaries) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="" xmlns="" xmlns:aas="" /> MZ_________ÿÿ__¸_______@___________________________________€_____º__´ Í!¸_LÍ!This program cannot be run in DOS mode.$_______PE__L___Rö\^________à_ ContentType string with max 100 and min 1 characters Note: any content type as in RFC2046. A media type (also MIME type and content type) […] is a two-part identifier for file formats and format contents transmitted on the Internet. The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) is the official authority for the standardization and publication of these classifications. Media types were originally defined in Request for Comments 2045 in November 1996 as a part of MIME specification, for denoting type of email message content and attachments.[3] 3., date: 2018-04-09 application/pdf image/jpeg Identifier string with max 2048 and min 1 characters https://cust/123456 0173-1#02-BAA120#008 LabelType string with max 64 and min 1 characters "ABC1234" LangStringSet Array of elements of type langString Note 1: langString is a RDF data type. Note 2: a langString is a string value tagged with a language code. Realization depends on the serialization rules for a technology. In xml: <aas:langString lang="EN">This is a multi-language value in English</aas:langString> <aas:langString lang="DE"> Das ist ein Multi-Language-Wert in Deutsch </aas:langString> In rdf: "This is a multi-language value in English"@en ; "Das ist ein Multi-Language-Wert in Deutsch"@de In JSON: "description": [ \{ "language":"en", "text": "This is a multi-language value in English." }, \{ "language":"de", "text": "Das ist ein Multi-Language-Wert in Deutsch." } ] MessageTopicType string with max 128 and min 1 characters MultiLanguageNameType LangStringSet Each langString within the array of strings has a max 128 of and a min of 1 characters (as for NameType). See LangStringSet MultiLanguageTextType LangStringSet Each string within langString has a max of 1,023 and min of 1 characters. See LangStringSet NameType string with max 128 and min 1 characters "ManufacturerPartId" PathType string with max 2048 and min 1 characters conformant to a URI as per RFC 2396 Note: Values with this restriction are also conformant to the xsd datatype anyURI. "A wide range of internationalized resource identifiers can be specified when an anyURI is called for, and still be understood as URIs per RFC 2396 and its successor(s)." Source: W3C XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) 1.0 Part 2: Datatypes ./Specification.pdf file:c:/local/Specification.pdf FTP:// QualifierType NameType "ExpressionSemantic" (as specified in DIN SPEC 92000:2019-09, see [16]) "life cycle qual" (as specified in IEC 61360-7 - IEC/SC 3D - Common Data Dictionary (CDD - V2.0015.0004) RevisionType string with max 4 and min 1 characters following the following regular expression: ^([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]*)$ "0" "7" "567" ValueDataType any xsd atomic type as specified via DataTypeDefXsd "This is a string value" 10 1.5 2020-04-01 True VersionType string with max 4 and min 1 characters following the following regular expression: ^([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]*)$ "1" "9999" Enumeration for Submodel Element Value Types Enumerations are primitive data types. Most of the enumerations are defined in the context of their class. This clause defines enumerations for submodel element value types[4]. The predefined types used to define the type of values of properties and other values use the names and the semantics of XML Schema Definition (XSD)[5]. Additionally, the type "langString" with the semantics as defined in the Resource Description Framework (RDF)[6] is used. "langString" is a string value tagged with a language code. Note 1: RDF[7] uses XML Schema Built-in data types from Version 1.1 but recommends to use only a subset of xsd data types. That is why they are excluded from the allowed data types in DataTypeDefXsd. XSD BuildIn List types are not supported (ENTITIES, IDREFS and NMTOKENS). XSD string BuildIn types are not supported (normalizedString, token, language, NCName, ENTITY, ID, IDREF). The following XSD primitive types are not supported: NOTATION, QName. Note 2: additionally, the following RDF types are not supported in DataTypeDefXsd: HTML and XMLLiteral. Figure 1. DefTypeDefRdf Enumeration The enumeration is derived from Figure 3. Figure 2. Data TypeDefXsd Enumeration Table 3 depicts example values and the value range of the different data types. The left column "Data Type" shows the data types which can be used for submodel element values. The data types are defined according to the W3C XML Schema ( and "Value Range" further explains the possible range of data values for this data type. The right column shows related examples for values of the corresponding data type. Table 3. Data Types with Examples [8] Data Type Value Range Sample Values Core types xs:string Character string (but not all Unicode character strings) "Hello world" "Καλημέρα κόσμε" "こんにちは世界" xs:boolean true, false true, false xs:decimal Arbitrary-precision decimal numbers -1.23 126789672374892739424.543233 +100000.00, 210 xs:integer Arbitrary-size integer numbers -1 0 126789675432332938792837429837429837429 +100000 IEEE floating-point numbers xs:double 64-bit floating point numbers incl. ±Inf, ±0, NaN -1.0 +0.0 -0.0 234.567e8 -INF NaN xs:float 32-bit floating point numbers incl. ±Inf, ±0, NaN -1.0 +0.0 -0.0 234.567e8 -INF NaN Time and dates xs:date Dates (yyyy-mm-dd) with or without time zone "2000-01-01" "2000-01-01Z" "2000-01-01+12:05" xs:time Times (hh:mm:ss.sss…) with or without time zone "14:23:00" "14:23:00.527634Z" "14:23:00+03:00" xs:dateTime Date and time with or without time zone "2000-01-01T14:23:00" "2000-01-01T14:23:00.66372+14:00"[9] 9. Corresponds to xs:dateTimeStamp in XML Schema 1.1 Recurring and partial dates xs:gYear Gregorian calendar year "2000" "2000+03:00" xs:gMonth Gregorian calendar month "--04" "--04+03:00" xs:gDay Gregorian calendar day of the month "---04" "---04+03:00" xs:gYearMonth Gregorian calendar year and month "2000-01" "2000-01+03:00" xs:gMonthDay Gregorian calendar month and day "--01-01" "--01-01+03:00" xs:duration Duration of time "P30D" "-P1Y2M3DT1H", "PT1H5M0S" Limited-range integer numbers xs:byte -128…+127 (8 bit) -1, 0 127 xs:short -32768…+32767 (16 bit) -1, 0 32767 xs:int 2147483648…+2147483647 (32 bit) -1, 0 2147483647 xs:long -9223372036854775808…+9223372036854775807 (64 bit) -1 0, 9223372036854775807 xs:unsignedByte 0…255 (8 bit) 0 1 255 xs:unsignedShort 0…65535 (16 bit) 0 1 65535 xs:unsignedInt 0…4294967295 (32 bit) 0 1 4294967295 xs:unsignedLong 0…18446744073709551615 (64 bit) 0 1 18446744073709551615 xs:positiveInteger Integer numbers >0 1 7345683746578364857368475638745 xs:nonNegativeInteger Integer numbers ≥0 0 1 734568374657836485736847563 xs:negativeInteger Integer numbers <0 -1 23487263847628376482736487263 xs:nonPositiveInteger Integer numbers ≤0 -1 0 -938458374985739874987989873 Encoded binary data xs:hexBinary Hex-encoded binary data "6b756d6f77617368657265" xs:base64Binary Base64-encoded binary data "a3Vtb3dhc2hlcmU=" Miscellaneous types xs:anyURI Absolute or relative URIs and IRIs "urn:example:company:1.0.0" rdf:langString Strings with language tags "Hello"@en "Hallo"@de Note: this is written in RDF/Turtle syntax, @en and de are the language tags. Enumeration: DataTypeDefXsd Explanation: Enumeration listing selected xsd anySimpleTypes of XML Schema 1.0 For more details see Set of: — ID: Literal Explanation xs:anyURI see: xs:base64Binary see: xs:boolean see xs:byte see xs:date see xs:dateTime see xs:decimal see xs:double see xs:duration see xs:float see xs:gDay see xs:gMonth see xs:gMonthDay see xs:gYear see xs:gYearMonth see xs:hexBinary see xs:int see xs:integer see xs:long see xs:negativeInteger see xs:nonNegativeInteger see: xs:nonPositiveInteger see: xs:positiveInteger see: xs:short see: xs:string see: xs:time see: xs:unsignedByte see: xs:unsignedInt see: xs:unsignedLong see: xs:unsignedShort see: Enumeration: DataTypeDefRdf Explanation: Enumeration listing all RDF types Set of: — ID: Literal Explanation rdf:langString String with a language tag RDF requires IETF BCP 47[10] language tags. Simple two-letter language tags for locales like "de" conformant to ISO 639-1 are allowed, as well as language tags plus extension like "de-DE" for country code, dialect, etc. like in "en-US" for English (United States) or "en-GB" for English (United Kingdom). IETF language tags are referencing ISO 639, ISO 3166 and ISO 15924. Figure 3. Built-In Types of XML Schema Definition 1.0 (XSD)[11] 1. see: 2. Corresponds to xs:dateTime in XML Schema 1.0 4. E.g. Property/valueType 5. see, 6. see: 7. See 8. See list of RDF-compatible XSD types with short description Examples from 10. see 11. Source: